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  1. G

    How does the Single Recto compare to the Dual

    I've got a single Recto and beleive me, there's plenty of bottom end. It sounds good hooked up to my Framus 2x12 with V30s but even more amazing with the Mesa Standard 4x12 recto cab I just picked up. Thundering lows, especially with drop-tuned riffs! :D
  2. G

    Silly question? Apologies from a Noob (single Recto)

    Cool I will stick at it! I love the settings I have now, I was just wondering if I'm missing that magical "power tube saturation" by not turning the master up enough. But I guess, if I'm happy then don't change it!
  3. G

    Silly question? Apologies from a Noob (single Recto)

    Thank you for the welcome! Kind of, but i'm really just interested in how the amp works. To my ears, it sounds great with Gain about 2o'clock, master about 9o'clock and output set to whatever is necessary. Going louder and louder on the output still sounds great. However, if I crank the master...
  4. G

    Silly question? Apologies from a Noob (single Recto)

    Ok, but I still don't quite understand. So the Master and Output control BOTH affect the saturation in the power tubes? I thought, for a fixed bias, the only way to overdrive power tubes is to put more power in, hence for fixed gain setting in the pre-amp, the Master or the Output pot must...
  5. G

    Silly question? Apologies from a Noob (single Recto)

    How do I "crank" i.e. what control saturates the power tubes, is it Master or Output on a Recto? Thanks, Gav
  6. G

    A To be mesa owner looking for some advice

    I used to own a TSL 100W combo - distortion was turd. Couldn't get a "chug" rythym out of it even with mids all the way down. So I moved to a Single Recto - never looked back. Anyway, our other guitarist has a JVM head, and even though it's an improvement on the TSL it's still not amazing. With...
  7. G

    What happened to my sound? (Single Rec Solo 50 series2)

    While in the studio a few months back, the gain on modern mode just dissappeared. It used to be rip-your-face-off high gain but now I can barely get a chug out of it. However, there is still a noticeable gain (and volume) increase when moving between raw, vintage and modern, but it just doesn't...