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The Boogie Board

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  1. Systemic

    Dual rec parallel to series mod

    Took me about 5 minutes of research to realize I need to update my unit to get the 'Kill Dry' option :P Ill do that tonight and give it a shot! cheers.
  2. Systemic

    Dual rec parallel to series mod

    Ive just gotten my hands on a G Major. Ill be using it in my modern Dual Rec loop.. There's a setting in the G Major to choose whether or not to run IT in series or parallel.. So I assume I will set it to parallel.. Series seems to be its factory setting out of the box so you need to change...
  3. Systemic

    Dual Rec 'Cant bypass loop/output' problem

    guess Ill phone Boogie.. dont want to ship it off if its something simple I can fix myself. 3 times now Ive had to send this to a shop, and I havent even finished paying for it yet.. have owned numerous tube heads over the years including some really beat up old Marshall stuff, and until the...
  4. Systemic

    Dual Rec 'Cant bypass loop/output' problem

    Hi everyone.. Awesome forum, hoping someone might have an idea of what my issue is with my Dual Recto.. For some reason I cannot bypass the loop. I dont usually use it, but I do use the footswitch. Normally I have my loop bypassed because I dont like the Output control (I find it dirty) and so...