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  1. C

    Roadster Channel Switching Problems.....

    Well I got it fixed on my own. I pluged in the G Maj to see if i could resent the relays in the Roadster and got it to work right. Stroke of luck I guess. But aways it working fine. Thanks a lot for the info and in put on things Dom.... And I will Have to check into the Control Switcher. Thanks...
  2. C

    Roadster Channel Switching Problems.....

    I tried different outlet and ckecked them of volts and the outlet are all fine but the amp is still acting up not changing chaneels like normal so it looks like its time to call Boogie.....
  3. C

    Roadster Channel Switching Problems.....

    Cool Ill Have to check out the Control Switcher after I get the amp working right. Just a lot of stress after paying a lot of $ for a amp to have it stop workin. In less then 5 yrs. I been playin my old Randall that I have had for 15yrs and never had any problem with it at all. Think I only...
  4. C

    Roadster Channel Switching Problems.....

    Are U switching all 4 Channels? Im thinking i should be able to only use 2 channels. I have a G Major but I havent tried to change channels with that yet. The G Major says it can change channels. More or less need to figure out what is going on with the amp first.. It been pluged in the same...
  5. C

    Roadster Channel Switching Problems.....

    Hay Dom, I tried to use the foot switch and that didnt work right then i tried the switch on the back of the amp. Both ways the so thing happened. The lights on both the foot switch and the amp change. But The Tones stay the same. The FX Loop/Solo/Mute all seam to work fine. When I sent the...
  6. C

    Roadster Channel Switching Problems.....

    Just wondering If Anyone Is Haveing Problems With Their Roadsters When Changing Channels? I Have Had To Send My Roadster Back For Repairs Once Already. Within Less Then 6 Months Im Haveing The Same Problem. I use Channel 4 most of the time then when I go to change channels the Light on the...
  7. C

    Has anyone tried hemp cone speakers with their rectos?
  8. C

    Mark V 112 Combo vs Roadster 212 Combo

    I Have the Roadster Head with a 2x12 cab. I love the **** out of it! I have played the Mark V's love them to. What I have found is that I only really use 1 channal most of the time. It's cool to have all the other sounds there but I just find myself using channal 4 modern. Yes In time of I had...