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The Boogie Board

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  1. W

    There's Nothing Like a New Mesa!!!

    Tube screamer... Nice. What is that Gibson box on top there Platypus?
  2. W

    Dual Rec Tube Pops

    Thanks for the recording tips. Oh yeah, and thanks for making me feel like an idiot.
  3. W

    Dual Rec Tube Pops

    Well shoot! I would have loved it if someone had told me that a long time ago! Which this is the first time I've ever played it without a cab, but still. And yes, everything sounds fine with the cab plugged back in, or at least for now. I hate to see what kind of damage I've done to it now...
  4. W

    Dual Rec Tube Pops

    A couple of months ago I bought a Dual Rec, but for a long time I've been trying to find the sound I want. Here recently I've started playing with each channel's master and I've found that I can find a great sound by cranking the master way up on the individual channel. My problem is, that...