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  1. T

    Studio Series Question

    I guess this is what I've got...serial number 149 or something like that. Anyway, this is great info...I just bought a Geezer 1x12 cab with a Celestion Greenback in it...sounds awesome (if you don't count the fact that there's a problem with the volume radically changing...but that's another...
  2. T

    Studio Series Question

    I've got the same question...there's one 8 ohm and one 4 ohm, and I want to use an 8 ohm extension cab. Thanks. Tom
  3. T

    Studio Series volume drop...I need a good amp tech!

    Yeah, exactly. The guys at the Hollywood store were really helpful, they gave it a good once over and cleaned it up a bit, but they said they couldn't get it to do it...totally frustrating. What could I say to them--"Well, just keep it for another week and keep trying, it will happen"? I think...
  4. T

    Studio Series volume drop...I need a good amp tech!

    Well, actually what you're talking about sounds different than what I did. I was told to just put some cleaner on a patch cable and plug it in and out of both the send and return to kind of "clean it out". Can you tell me exactly what you did so I can try it? Thanks.
  5. T

    Studio Series volume drop...I need a good amp tech!

    RR - HA! No, it's not the head you sold me...I haven't even used that yet! I'm going to try what you're saying here, maybe it's something simple. If that doesn't work, I'm going to take it back to Mesa and try to get the **** thing to do the volume drop with those guys witnessing it so they can...
  6. T

    Studio Series volume drop...I need a good amp tech!

    Well, I don't really know too much about this stuff...I worked on my SF Vibrochamp, but that's all point-to-point and it was pretty easy to see stuff, pretty simple. But what the heck, maybe I'll take a peek. Thanks for writing.
  7. T

    Studio Series volume drop...I need a good amp tech!

    Well, they checked it out at Mesa Boogie in Hollywood and couldn't find what was wrong...actually, they said they couldn't get it to do the volume problem. The guy (I think John) said they left it running for 3 hours and couldn't get it to do it. Thanks for the response.
  8. T

    Studio Series volume drop...I need a good amp tech!

    Hello all. I have a problem that is driving me nuts. My Studio Series combo (it's like a Studio .22 basically), sounds great but occasionally there is this annoying volume drop that happens randomly...there will be a slight drop and then it will come back up again...sometimes if I turn the...
  9. T

    What I'd like to see in a new Mesa amp...

    I don't have as much experience with Boogies as you guys, but I'm loving my 22 watt Studio Series...from what I've read about the LSS, I think I'd like to see that with the graphic EQ...I'm not sure where the present EQ is located in the signal path on the LSS, before or after the preamp...
  10. T

    Difference between Dual Caliber and Studio 22 Series

    Don't mean to confuse things, but there actually is an amp called "Studio Series"...from what I understand, it was the precursor to the "Studio .22". I've got one (it says "Studio Series" on the front), and it's basically the same as the .22--two EL84's, five 12AX7's, graphic EQ, effects loop. I...
  11. T

    Greetings-New LSSer

    Don't want to divert the topic too much, but I just want to jump in and say that you will have headroom for DAYS with that 65 Twin re-issue...
  12. T

    DC 3 volume

    I don't have a DC-3, but I've got a Studio Series (pre-cursor to the Studio .22--2 EL84, 5 12AX7) and I've been having the same problem...I've taken it to a couple of places (including Mesa Boogie in Hollywood) and no one can figure it out...not sure if they tried new power tubes though...
  13. T

    Questions about Mark IIA

    Thanks for the link; yeah, that's usually the first place I go to get a feel for a piece of equipment. Just fishing around to see what some of the guys on this forum thought. I'll probably just end up buying it to check it much of this is subjective anyway. Thanks again. Tom
  14. T

    Questions about Mark IIA

    Hey guys, hope you're all having a nice holiday season. There is a Mark IIA head for sale in my area (So. California) for $700--EQ, non-functioning reverb, 50 watts. Any thoughts on the price? Seems alright to me, but I haven't been able to compare it to anything (Ebay, etc.) I've done some...
  15. T

    Head cabinet for Studio Series

    RR - Hey, that's sounds great, I'll definitely take it! I'm in Glendale, CA. Let me know the shipping charges, etc., I can pay you personal check or Paypal if you like. Check your PM. Thanks again! Tom
  16. T

    Head cabinet for Studio Series

    Thanks for the replies guys...I didn't know a MarkIV head would work as well, that's good to know! Tom
  17. T

    Head cabinet for Studio Series

    Hey guys, just wondering if any of you know of a place that can make a custom head cabinet for my Boogie Studio Series (Studio .22). I've been looking on the net, can't seem to find anything. Thanks in advance!
  18. T

    Shared preamp tubes on DC-3?

    Thanks fdesalvo...that's what I thought. Tom
  19. T

    Shared preamp tubes on DC-3?

    I was just checking out a DC-3 combo on ebay and in the description it says, "There are Six 12AX7s in the preamp, and they are not shared between channels so that different tubes may be installed to adjust the tone of each." I've got the manual for the DC-3 and under the description of tube...