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  1. T

    Modding the SOLO Volume Control Question?

    Thanks Bro, After I wrote my previous reply this morning, I have been thinking on it and have almost convinced myself that this is the way to go... Perhaps instead of a Keeley I will simply get a Super Overdrive (ala ZAKK W style) and boost away with that. Thanks for letting me rant! FM3
  2. T

    Modding the SOLO Volume Control Question?

    The thing of it is that I am kinda against effects and tend to be a minimalist in my sound. I am also pessimistic by nature and thus tend to believe in murphy's law. I know that external box will mess up right in the middle of a show (9 volt dies or power connection comes lose). Plus I hate...
  3. T

    Modding the SOLO Volume Control Question?

    Hey All, I have a question about my Dual Rec and its Solo Volume control. Has anyone modified the solo volume booster on their Dual Rec and added in a Robert Keeley type Java Booster function. I know what I get out of this solo switch is only a volume booster, but when it is time to rip some...