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  1. H

    3-channel Rectifier as power amp?

    If I run another preamp into the Loop Return on the back of my Rectifier, does that bypass the preamp entirely? I remember reading that the Mix knob on the back even when set to 100% still blends a small amount of the original signal into your sound. But if I'm running into the FX loop return on...
  2. H

    Tube layout/placement?

    All of the 6L6 tubes I have have GRN printed on them, so that's a total of 4. Is that good or bad? I just popped them in in any order. I'm also guessing this doesn't matter for preamp tubes. Am I right on that?
  3. H

    Tube layout/placement?

    I just got a 3-channel dual rec. The manual is confusing. The next line says this: So which one is it? I went against #3 and put two of the 5u4 tubes on the far right when looking at it from behind since that's what I see in pictures on Google. I also noticed that you have to flip the manual...
  4. H

    EQ in the loop summed?

    If I understand correctly, when I set the loop thing on the back to Footswitch, I can turn the loop on and off via the FX button on my footswitch. Is the loop completely bypassed when the FX switch on the footswitch isn't engaged? Because with the FX switch not lighting up on my footswitch, I...
  5. H

    EQ in the loop summed?

    I'm running an FX board and a parametric EQ in the loop of the dual rec (3-channel). Just got all of this set up and I'm a little confused. Since this is a parallel FX loop, does that mean the regular signal and the return signal are combined? Because an EQ is more like an insert effect and I'd...
  6. H

    Reborn Vs. older Rec cosmetics?

    I'm having trouble telling some rectifiers apart. Am I correct to assume that the reborns have '100w head' on the left and the older ones have 'solo head'? And there's a multi-watt switch on the reborn version I think. Is that pretty much the only difference, or do some of them look similar and...
  7. H

    FT/ FS: Mesa Quad Preamp w/FU-2 footswitch (want: DUAL REC)

    Mesa Quad preamp with the FU-2 footswitch & cable. $850 shipped, or I'll outright trade it for a 3-channel dual rectifier. I also have a 295 power amp for sale for $600. I'd be willing to sell the Quad, footswitch, and power amp for $1350 shipped, or take a 3-channel dual rec + cash for the...
  8. H

    Mesa 295 Power Amp -price drop $550

    Mesa 295 power amp - $550 shipped to anywhere in the USA. Don't need it anymore since I've switched to heads for the time being. PM if interested! PS: If you've got a 3-channel dual rectifier for trade/sale, I'll offer you the power amp + a bit of cash for it.
  9. H


    I'm in Louisiana actually, not too far from you :D
  10. H


  11. H

    Quad Pre Comparison: 1D & 1E versions

    Actually, I would say that almost ALL of the controls on the Quad preamp aren't very sensitive and don't affect the sound as they're labeled :P When I got my Quad I was really surprised at how it worked. Completely different from any other amp I've ever tried. The bass control makes it a bit...
  12. H

    Running an EQ with a Quad...

    I guess that means run the Quad into the EQ using the main outs?
  13. H

    Running an EQ with a Quad...

    I just got a new parametric EQ for my Quad. I've never used external FX with an amp so I'm a bit new to this, and after reading the Quad pre manual, I'm a bit confused as to how to run this properly. Apparently running FX with the Quad, it's all set up as 'send; FX. Well an EQ is an insert...
  14. H


    Sold on another forum.
  15. H

    295 presence control

    After fooling with the 295's presence knobs, I realize they aren't doing much of anything. I have to crank them way higher to get the presence to really come out. When I did that on my old 50/50 it was MUCH more sensitive.
  16. H

    Bypassing Quad Pre's reverb from signal chain?

    As far as I know the Quad pre won't work at all if the reverb tank is disconnected. I notice a bit of a difference in tone when it's connected so I want to try bypassing the tank somehow. Is this possible, and if so how would I go about doing this?
  17. H

    Quad Pre Comparison: 1D & 1E versions

    I took a look at the reverb tanks and they're identical. It's basically the same build, but with a few differences on the inside. They seemed to used a couple different parts in some places, I have no idea what they are though.
  18. H

    295 Power Amp Tubes - KT88?

    I'm starting to wonder if what's in the 295 was actually purchased from Euro Tubes because that's what it's looking like.
  19. H

    295 Power Amp Tubes - KT88?

    All compatibility aside, I'm wondering what the tonal differences or sound differences are between the KT88s and the 6L6s. Actually - this'll give it away that I haven't fooled around with it much, but I'm not even sure of the tonal differences between EL34s and 6L6s. I'm going to have a...
  20. H

    295 Power Amp Tubes - KT88?

    I got a new 295 and it came with EL34s in the outer sockets and KT88s in the inner sockets. From a brief search of the forum I'm reading that it's not good to put KT88s in a Mesa amp, but I'm not sure if it's ok for the 295 power amp in particular. I'm thinking of taking out the KT88s and...