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  1. L

    F-30 Hissing

    Apparently the F-50 is quiet compared to the F-30. Don't know why since I believe the preamp section is the same. I tried the Mesa SP12AX7 tubes in V1 and V2 positions and it was somewhat quieter. These tubes are supposed to be hand picked quieter versions of the 12AX7, but the difference is...
  2. L

    F-30 Tone

    I just bought an F-30 for home use. What is a Hot Plate and how does it reduce the volume without affecting the tone. Also, does your F-30 hiss allot in both channels.
  3. L

    F-30 Hissing

    Thanks for the info. My F-30 hisses quite a bit on both the clean and dirty channels. Maybe it is defective. I will check out a F-30 at another music shop in town to see if there is a problem. Otherwise, it is a great little amp for what I need - just noodling around home.
  4. L

    What was your first amp???

    My first amp was a tube Gibson back about 1967. Can't remember what it was called. Got out of music for 25 years then bought a 78 Twin Reverb which was to much for just playing at home. Two days ago, I bought an F-30 which sits there and hisses at me. Great clean channel tone though.
  5. L

    F-30 Hissing

    I just purchase an F-30 which has alot of hiss on both channels, even at low volume levels (gain and master at about 9:00) The salesman said all high gain amps have hiss. I find it annoying and wonder if anything could be done, such as replacing the 12AX7 preamp tubes with 12AU7 tubes which...