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  1. S

    How high can you set the gain on your F-50?

    I crank the gain to 3pm with the master at 9-10pm regularly... Not playing at massive volumes at home... I also crank the highs to 3pm the mid to 9pm and the bass to 12pm; gets a killer metal sound on contour with my charvel using the active humbucker - only get feedback when i stop playing and...
  2. S

    F Series

    Can you tell how old it is by the serial number ? Would like to know how old mine is - it looks pristine to me - think its only had home use
  3. S

    New (to me) F50 - its really quiet?? Reverb ??

    Okay, this morning I took the head down to the local music shop and tried it thru a marshall 1936 2*12 cab. Big difference, lots more bass and tight bottom end owing to the closed back cab. Everyone in the store said it was LOUD and sounded awesome.. I think I will give up on any discussions of...
  4. S

    New (to me) F50 - its really quiet?? Reverb ??

    Well I picked up my F50 tonite, dont have a cab so wired it into a marshall valvesstate combo (twin 100w 4ohm goldbacks wired in series should be 8ohm right ?). I thought this head would blow me away in volume - I read about people not being able to turn their nomad55's past '1' at home...yada...
  5. S

    F50 speakers suggestions

    Thanks! I get it tonite, you should see the grin on my face! I'm just going to wire into the back of a marshall valvestate with twin goldbacks until i get a cab. Have been calling around and can get a new marshall 1936 2x12 for $570 but its got really wide ranging reviews on harmony central and...
  6. S

    F50 speakers suggestions

    Thanks, I get it tonite, you should see the grin on my face! I'm just going to wire into the back of a marshall valvestate with twin goldbacks until i get a cab. Have been calling around and can get a new marshall 1936 2x12 for $570 but its got really wide ranging reviews on harmony central and...
  7. S

    F50 speakers suggestions

    Hahaha I was just going to post the exact same question. I'm in Australia and just won an F50 on ebay. Its my first MB and I am so stoked. MB are REALLY expensive over here - the F50 retails for $2995 (AUD) and I got it for $1500 (AUD) on ebay so I'm totally stoked but I dont have any speaker...
  8. S

    Nomad 55 head - Is it overkill ??

    Hmm Well opinions are like @rseholes right ??? Guess I'll get it and if I dont like the tones quiet I can always buy an attentuator down the track... Thanks all
  9. S

    Nomad 55 head - Is it overkill ??

    Hi, Never had a MB before, am looking at a secondhand nomad55 head and wondering if its overkill. Atm I'm a bedroom muso (havent played bands for years) but in 2007 I want to get back into bands. Is this head going to be overkill for anything less than gig/rehearsal volumes ? Dont want to buy...