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The Boogie Board

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  1. K

    Blue Box/Octaver

    good to hear you bought a blue box! i can't offer any advice on where to put it, but i am curious to see what you think of it? i've been thinking of getting one myself. how do you like it? can you create some useful sounds with it? some reviews say it is too wild to actually use! good luck...
  2. K

    buddy's Dual Rec Solo head tone

    your buddy is ruining his tone with that line 6 floor board! get rid of it!
  3. K

    Clean Boost - Dual Rec

    I'm looking to find a good clean boost/distortion pedal that I can use to give the clean channel on my dual a nice overdrive. I already have a MXR GT-OD to boost my dirty channel. Anybody playing anything good these days? Looking for a nice Mogwai/Indie sound from the channel Thanks!
  4. K

    ESP + Dual Rec: Tone Setting Help??

    I just got an old, re-tubed Dual Rec. Im using an 2006 ESP Eclipse, with EMG pick-ups. I've found a pretty good tone setting, with almost all knobs hovering around 5. But im wondering what others are using for settings that they find work for a nice distortion on channel 2? Any hints would be...
  5. K

    6L6 STR-440 VS. 5881 STR-425 Russian

    Hey guys, I'm trying to decide which 6L6's to put in my two channel Dual Rec. My local music store sells the Mesa Boogie factory 6L6 STR-440, and 5881 STR-425 Russian. Can anyone help explain the tone difference between these two tubes? Any good experiences with either one of them? Thanks...
  6. K

    6L6 STR-440 VS. 5881 STR-425 Russian

    Hey guys, I'm trying to decide which 6L6's to put in my two channel Dual Rec. Can anyone help explain the tone difference between these two tubes? Any good experiences with either one of them? Thanks, Matt