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  1. B

    Mark V:25 Max clean volume giving guitar trouble

    ok, I had a play with the compressor and that was the problem. Sometime during the last gig, I cranked he volume on the Ego Mini to 12 O'Clock. That, meant it was putting gain into everything else (and of course compressing everything up to that level). When I lowered it down to 9'O'Clock...
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    Mark V:25 Max clean volume giving guitar trouble

    So I use Pedals, inc Gain pedals, so I'm after loud clean channel. I use Chan 1, Clean. Through 2x12 cab, Fender Strat. I have Clean gain on about 11 oclock, and volume on 2-3. That gives me a clean sound loud enough on stage (Its pretty loud). My problem is when I push gain (Tumnus, EP...
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    2 "different" TC50's?!?!

    Electrodyne is the same. Combo layout is different to the head layout. dont know why though.
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    New ElectraDyne released by Mesa

    Well its pretty close. Its clean and low gain ch sound very familiar. 3 Sep channels, individual controls, Solo, Midi, Sep Reverb, Cabclone. Sep Bias. Only thing its missing is switchable power. Mesa Triple Crown TC-50
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    Pedals that sound like Dyne

    No, I'm not after one, but on my pedal board I have a BB Preamp, which I really like for classic rock. I normally keep the dyney in Clean and use pedals, but I then compared the Dyne Lo setting the the BB Preamp and the are very similar, such that I dont really need to use that pedal, just the...
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    Electradyne - no Sound

    First the good news, its all fixed now, under warranty, fast service from local warranty supplier in Sydney (Australia) - Had to call the official Rep in Canberra, who put me on to the local sydney person. Fixed in just a day. in Future for anyone else who has this problem. It started with the...
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    Operation of the Clean Trim and Gain

    So I've just got my ElectroDyne, and will post a review after the first gig, but great so far. I am having some trouble with balance, and after searching all 12 pages here I still cant find a full explanation of the clean and gain trim. From studying the manual, and a bit of testing, it seems...