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  1. Audiokill

    Metallica speakers

    Bringing out the dead here... Sorry. It depends on the album, but I believe that Marshall Vintages (vintage 30's out of the Marshall 1960AV & BV cabs) are pretty much the go-to speaker for Hetfield's rhythm since AJFA.
  2. Audiokill

    I seek a crunchy single coil bridge pickup for metal riffage

    I just bought a purple satin MIM Fender Strat with 3 stock single coils and I really like it. Gorgeous guitar, plus the cleans I get out of the neck and middle are just what I wanted. However, the bridge pup ain't cuttin the mustard, particularly when using IIC+ or modded Plexi distortion to...
  3. Audiokill

    At what point would you consider tubes to be mismatched?

    Okay. Do you guys notice any difference in tone between a perfectly matched pair and moderately mismatched pair (let's say 4 or 5 mA difference)?
  4. Audiokill

    most brutal mark??

    Yes, what you want is a Blue Stripe with a built-in graphic EQ. More than enough gain on tap, very aggressive, and that EQ will allow you to shape your tone as brutal, as modern, or as 80's as you want without any pedals. A coliseum version would be sweet, but will be difficult to find. A 100...
  5. Audiokill

    At what point would you consider tubes to be mismatched?

    I've recently noticed many guitarists, mostly on other forums, talking about mismatching power tubes. Some say they prefer it. Others try to avoid it. But very few actually specify how mismatched they're talking about when they write about it. I used to think that a 3 mA spread was the limit...
  6. Audiokill

    STR-416 Disappointment

    The 416s and the 415s have both been returned. Since then, I picked up a closely matched pair of 442s and a not-so-well-matched pair of 450s. The 450s are only marginally sweeter than the 447s, and the 442s are even less of an improvement. Neither pair has made a night and day difference...
  7. Audiokill

    Mesa Boogie Metal Grill 4x12???

    So ... what was inside?
  8. Audiokill

    STR-416 Disappointment

    Had a full band rehearsal a few days ago with my 415/416 setup in the C+. It was no bueno. Just didn't sound very good in the mix. Had trouble cutting through, and the tone had a sluggish, sloppy, almost rubberband-like feel to it. Then I popped in the 440s and 447s, and not only could I...
  9. Audiokill

    STR-416 Disappointment

    I believe Str-425s are indeed Sovteks. This seems to be the general consensus across the net, and their internal structures look identical to each other. And Reflektor and Expo-PUL are two names belonging to the same factory in Saratov, Russia.
  10. Audiokill

    STR-416 Disappointment

    I'm not a JJ fan either, but this is news to me. Where did you learn this information? What specs? And yes, 440 = Chinese 450 = Seimens/RFT 430 & 447 = Sovtek 415 & 416 = Sylvania 454 & 442 = Winged C so, yeah... Anyway, when I originally tested the 416s in class A with the 440s, they didn't...
  11. Audiokill

    STR-416 Disappointment

    So, I made a VERY interesting observation today. I gave the 416s one last go, this time with my newly arrived Str-415s (woohoo!), and this time it actually sounded ... good. Really good. I had previously only heard the 416s with 440s and JJ 6L6s, but the 415s opened those 416s right up. No...
  12. Audiokill

    STR-416 Disappointment

    Yeah, based on my experience thus far, I'm thinking that's a strong possibility. But who knows for sure until I get those bias readings. Sorry Joey. The seller I bought the 416s from is allowing me to return them for a full refund of $150, unless of course your cheap offer happens to surpass...
  13. Audiokill

    STR-416 Disappointment

    Didn't get around to determining the bias of the 416s last night, but I did have a full band practice for the first time since receiving them in the mail. Started out with 416s in my C+, and it was just a dark, scratchy, droning, muddy mess. Just wasn't cutting through at all. Adjusting the tone...
  14. Audiokill

    STR-416 Disappointment

    Thank you all for replying. It looks like y'all really like y'all some 416s...and apparently none of you would mind acquiring an extra pair :roll:. And that's great n everything, but keep in mind that my goal is to determine the reasons why I seem to be having a different experience from...
  15. Audiokill

    STR-416 Disappointment

    I recently purchased what was touted to be a matched pair of Mesa Str-416 6CA7s with plenty of life left on them. But considering the money I paid, I'm a bit let down. They were supposed to replace the Str-447 EL34s in my C+, but I think I prefer the 447s, which are tighter, punchier, and more...
  16. Audiokill

    Mesa Boogie Metal Grill 4x12???

    I stand corrected :oops:
  17. Audiokill

    Mesa Boogie Metal Grill 4x12???

    I've never heard of Mesa ever using Eminence speakers. Either your seller is not the original owner and doesn't know what he's talking about, he's lying about it being all original, or he may somehow be mistaken about what he has. Have you seen the bottom speakers for yourself? If not, $5 says...
  18. Audiokill

    help Need Info for Mark II C++ amp

    FYI, your amp is 75 watts if it's simul-class.
  19. Audiokill

    help Need Info for Mark II C++ amp

    What sources of information do you have that supports/confirms this? Or, are you the original owner of your amp? Just curious as to how you came to these conclusions.