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  1. Audiokill

    What is the Mark II C++ mod?

    No, at least not any pedal I've ever tried. And definitely not a tube screamer.
  2. Audiokill

    Black Shadow VS-12 50 Watt Opinions

    I mostly play metal and occasionally cleans with my JP-2C through a vertical metal grill Mesa 2x12 halfback that has a VS-12 in it, so hopefully I can be of some assistance. A lot of guys don't seem to care much for the humble VS-12 because its not a powerful nor bright speaker. Mine certainly...
  3. Audiokill

    FT Mark III purple head for Lonestar head

    Hi. Are you willing to buy? I have a Lonestar head for sale, but I'm not looking to pick up a Mark III. Trying to sell off a Mark III myself, as well. Let me know. Thanks.
  4. Audiokill

    JP2C closer to a C++?

    Yeah, I am on this, but for good reason, I think. There are consequences to believing in things that aren't true - in this case, the spread of bad information can have an affect on an amp's resale value. And then there's the new discovery aspect - for example, if the mid push/pull had turned out...
  5. Audiokill

    JP2C closer to a C++?

    No need. I've derailed my own thread for quite long enough. Time for me to eat crow. :oops: I talked with Mike again. He reluctantly admitted that there actually were some C++s made with the push/pull mid pot for switching between C+ and C++ modes, even mentioning kippiejr's amp as being among...
  6. Audiokill

    JP2C closer to a C++?

    By the way, was there any source of info you could provide that confirms this? Or have you personally found that the JP-2C's shred mode sounds pretty spot on to your C++ amps? I'm really stoked about this actually being the case. Or, could the JP-2C's shred mode simply be its own sound? Thanks.
  7. Audiokill

    JP2C closer to a C++?

    My information is also directly from Mike Bendinelli. I asked him specifically about this very topic roughly 8 years ago. Mike was adamant that no C++ mod was ever made to be switchable, even the handful of production C++ amps he built. That's why I'm confused. However, please know that I'm not...
  8. Audiokill

    JP2C closer to a C++?

    It appears that it is Authorized Boogie's word against Mike Bendinelli's.
  9. Audiokill

    JP2C closer to a C++?

    This is exactly what I've been wondering about the JP-2C. The Vol1 mod is obviously apparent due to the separate channel controls. But having the C+ and the C++ voicings available in one amp would be fantastic! If you don't mind me asking, is your assertion that the JP-2C's 3rd channel is...
  10. Audiokill

    JP2C closer to a C++?

    This is all quite interesting. I didn't realize that the Vol1 mod is also referred to as the Petrucci mod. To add further clarification (and also further bewilderment), I just found this post by jvk; ...and this post by deskman (12th post...
  11. Audiokill

    JP2C closer to a C++?

    Given that it's a John Petrucci signature amp, I would expect the JP-2C to feature a lead tone that is emulated after the C++ (aka Petrucci mod), which has more low-mids and gain than the standard C+ voicing. However, I haven't played a JP-2C yet to see how it compares tonally with a C++ or C+...
  12. Audiokill

    Mark IIC++ Hetfield mod

    What the hell? I'm with you themisfit138. DaveP, you sure you understood Mike B. correctly? Because Mike Bendinelli, himself, specifically told me over the phone that NONE of the C++ amps he ever worked on were ever given a push/pull on the mid knob by him. Not one. After asking him about all...
  13. Audiokill

    2c++ compared to a MK3++????

    On the contrary, my understanding is that the ++ mod (ones done by Mesa, at least) is not switchable - no mid pull to toggle between + and ++ modes or anything like that. I've been very curious about switchable ++ amps like yours for a long time though and would really like to know more about...
  14. Audiokill

    Mark 2C+ Ebay Find

    You'd think the fact that it was originally a IIC would bring the value down to at least $14000! :lol: Even still, that's a killer amp. I'm jealous. Just not 15K jealous. Also, is that 4 digit serial number legit? Some weird Coliseum thing? And I would've thought it'd say KDRG on the side of...
  15. Audiokill

    Mark 2C+ Ebay Find

    So what's the deal with RP-10A? Is it a IIC board?
  16. Audiokill

    Mesa Mark IIC++ Coliseum

    I think I found a unicorn - a C++ Simulclass Coliseum with graphic EQ, reverb and even 415/416 tubes...(wait, are those 416s in the correct sockets?) Hetfield doesn't even have one of these. But Jesus, for $15,000? That 4 digit serial number looks...
  17. Audiokill

    A super cool guitar rig, with vintage Mesa Boogie equiptment

    Ha! I stumbled across "The Box" on eBay last week and laughed my *** off. I mean, really, what's $20,000-$30,000 in the grand scheme of things when you could have "tone nirvana" in the "ultimate guitar rig" that "lights up like a Christmas tree?" Did I mention this is "tone nirvana?" What a...
  18. Audiokill

    2c++ compared to a MK3++????

    I hear you there. The III+ mod doesn't seem like something I'd want, either. But I would think the ++ mod can be done without turning it into a III+. Also, I think the III++ mod is meant to simply alter the Mark III's voicing in its own right and not to necessarily mimic a C++. Check this thread...
  19. Audiokill

    2c++ compared to a MK3++????

    Does the ++ mod really add that much more gain? My C++ definitely lives in the lower mids, but I wouldn't describe it as super gainy. Not at all. Even with the gain at 8 and drive at 6, the lead channel still cleans up to a sparkly, almost pristine clean tone when rolling back the neck pickup...
  20. Audiokill

    STR-416 Disappointment

    Makes sense. In that case, I'll have to measure their bias in my Mark III. So then at what point would you say that a pair of tubes are matched in a given amp? Within 25% difference? 15%? Where do you draw the line? Oh, and don't worry about my previous comment that involved Uranus and arrows to...