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  1. M

    Smoke from F-50 combo

    So I was doing a little playing this morning while nobody was home. Had it cranked pretty good on channel two when it went to less than 1/2 volume. I jumped off the couch and put it on standby, tilted the amp forward so I could peak at the tubes and through the vented panel I saw a puff of smoke...
  2. M

    F-30 vs F-50 volume

    I have an F-50 and it cuts thru fine. My combo was one of the house amps at an annual outdoor jam. I put it on top of a 212 cab I have(though prolly not needed)and it kept up to a miked drum set and a pretty capable pa without breaking a sweat.
  3. M

    Can We Get Some Love For the F-50 Amps

    I'm in. I love mine. It can cover alot of ground imo. Does the classic rock thing real well, which is the sound I mainly go for. Have'nt tried an eq with it but from what I've read it's a good thing to do. Dont think I'll ever want another amp.
  4. M

    how much did a f-50 combo cost new?

    In '05 mine was $1099.
  5. M

    Neck-Through Lutheirs?

    Yes Carvin will make a mahogany neck thru. I own a Dc127t with a mahogany neck and mahogany wings.
  6. M

    Delay suggestions

    I use a Carl Martin Red Repeat in the loop and there is no tone suck at all. It's a really nice delay in my opinion. AC power is a must though because it'll kill a 9v in less than one evening.
  7. M

    A great neck humbucker is...

    Rio Grande Texas. Smooth and sweet.
  8. M

    New Guitar - opinion welcome

    Dont rule these out. I'd like one myself. 8)
  9. M

    Thoughts on a P-90 style pickup...

    Well I was gonna suggest P-94's. I have them in my cheapo and they are nice pups. The balls of a bucker but more clear. I've only heard good things about them btw.
  10. M

    pickup ideas for les paul custom?

    I just put a Rio Grande Texas/BBQ set in my home built which is a very thick slab of mahogany and a 5/8" thick maple cap. These are my new favorite pups. They rock and sustain longer than anything I ever played. My buddy has a guitar with a JB and a Jazz and they are nice as well, but I cant...
  11. M


    I'm not a delay expert but I own a Carl Martin Red Repeat and I'm totally happy with it. "Analog voiced" is how they describe it. It is very warm sounding and doesnt color the sound at all. You will need to use a power supply though. It'll suck a battery down in about an hour.
  12. M

    Need some advice on Volume pedal or Boost with my F-50

    I havent tried one yet but a lot of folks like the BBE Boosta Grande.
  13. M


    Uh, no on that last sentence. I easily get classic rock tones from my F-50. The clean channel is anything but harsh and stiff. To each his own.
  14. M

    Anyone help, opinions welcome!......

    Have you checked out Carvin? They offer different radius' for each model. Each model I believe also has a different neck profile.
  15. M

    Which cheap V for me?

    A little late but I was gonna say
  16. M

    What do you think of this comment?

    Yeah, just wondering about the validity of the "something is amis and they dont know how to correct it" statement. Mine has been fine and it's going on 2 years.
  17. M

    I just scored a 1992 Fender SRV.

    Thats the second negative post about Fenders I've read from you in 5 minutes. No one cares if you like them or not. I personally have one and it's a good guitar, it's not my #1 but it does what it does well. Chill out. And btw, I'd like one of those SRV's myself. Good score.
  18. M

    What do you think of this comment?

    This is on HC, so keep that in mind. It may even be someone on this forum. I own an F50, and love it. Have'nt had any issues either. Mostly cocerned about the something is amiss statement. Reliability : 1 I have been through 3 F-50's. Why? Because I love the tone. Why 3? Because this is one...
  19. M

    f series question

    I have the combo. Sometimes I wish I had the head. Most times I'm glad I have the combo though. I do put it on a 212 cab which I dont really need because the F-50 combo is plenty loud on its own. And I really like the stock speaker. If you like playing around with cabs maybe the head is for you...
  20. M

    Delay and Lead Guitar?

    Uh, I have one of them and I love the thing. You must use an ac adaptor or it will do goofy ****. The bypassed sound with mine is totally uncolored. Try one out for yourself. Like I said, if you bye one get an adaptor. It'll eat a brand new 9v in about an hour of light use.