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The Boogie Board

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  1. G

    Lonestar Classic Noise Problem

    Yup - stock Boogie tubes for now.
  2. G

    Lonestar Classic Noise Problem

    Lefty, Thanks for the reply. I should have clarified. The amp is extremely noisy, even with humbuckers. Check out the mp3 below for an example of what I'm talking about. This was recorded with my EBMM JP-6 with stock Dimarzios. In this...
  3. G

    Lonestar Classic Noise Problem

    My Lonestar Classic 2X12 was my first tube amp. Love the cleans but bought a BB Preamp to get a little more versatility and drive out of the gain channel. I'm relatively happy with the tone but with the gain and level at about 10 o'clock on the BB Preamp and totally dimed on the gain and drive...
  4. G

    Best OD pedal with a LoneStar Classic?

    Here's the mp3 with the TS9, BB Preamp, and Bad Monkey... (it's huge - 22 MB) Sorry for the sloppy playing... All the riffs feature 4 tones: 1) Natural LSC 2) Stock Ibanez TS-9 3) BB Preamp 4) Digitech Bad Monkey Listening and playing more...
  5. G

    Best OD pedal with a LoneStar Classic?

    I've also been trying various overdrive pedals in front of my LSC 2X12. Here's a A/B of the Digitech Bad Monkey and a stock Ibanez TS9. My initial take is that the $39 Bad Monkey holds up well to the $99 TS9. Hard to tell much of a difference. I started out with the TS-9 with all the knobs...
  6. G

    LSC Drive Channel Muddiness

    Thanks for the replies so far guys. I’m glad to see my experiences are consistent with all of yours. I’m able to get decent tones by rolling back the mids and bass as you all suggest. Anyone have the 2X12 up on a stand instead of on the floor? Does this help? Thanks again, Randy
  7. G

    LSC Drive Channel Muddiness

    I'm a new Mesa owner. I just received a mint but used LSC 2X12. I absolutely love the clean channel but find the drive channel very bassy. Is this consistent with other's experiences? Any tips as to correct this? Thanks in advance, Randy
  8. G

    Lonestar vs. F-50, Opinions needed PLEASE

    JAZZGEAR - with my payment for your Lonestar 2X12 somewhere between the west coast and the east coast, it pains me to see and hear that video as I'm dying to receive your amp!! I wish your Lonestar was showing up here in CA tomorrow!!! Thanks again, Randy
  9. G

    Road King II Availability

    I'm having a hard time finding a RK II new (let alone used). Anyone know how available these are and what the wait on a new one from Petaluma might be? Thanks, Randy
  10. G

    Best Prices on Boogie Gear??

    After years of being a Line 6 devotee, I've decided to spring for a Boogie. I'm specifically after a RoadKing II head. What's the consensus for the best place from which to buy Boogie gear? I know I can get the head from my local Guitar Center but are there other places from which a better...