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  1. M

    Roadster Channel 3/4 Volume loss

    I have the exactly same problem with my Roadster head and i have swapped all my tubes and it dosen´t get better.
  2. M

    MK IV

    Nice amp
  3. M

    How high is a Mark IV head?

    OK! How high is it really then! I got two heights now. // Miro
  4. M

    How high is a Mark IV head?

    Thank you for your fast reply! // Miro
  5. M

    How high is a Mark IV head?

    Hello! I wonder how high a MArk IV head is without measuring with the feets and handle. Just the cab. // Miro
  6. M

    Black and Tan

    Where didi you buy the wicker grille? //Miro
  7. M

    Need a Manual for Mark IV A

    Hello! Does anyone know where i can get a Manual for my new Mark IV A. On the mesa site its only manual for the B model. // Miro
  8. M

    Ibanez JPM100 P3

    The one with coloured pickups is JPM P1-A. Only made for the Japanese market. The other is a JPM P1-B.
  9. M

    Ibanez JPM100 P3

    The Ibanez Jpm:s are very nice guitars to play. Here are mine. [/url]
  10. M

    Difference between a mark IV 1993 and a new 2007

    Is there any difference between a mark IV 1993 and a new 2007? / Miro
  11. M

    Pics of the different vinyls on the cabs

    Hello! I´m new here and this is my first post. Right now im playing on a Laney VH100R but im going to order me a Mark IV combo or head. I have seen the designs on I wonder if anybody has real pictures to show the vinyls? Its hard to decide what colour i should choose. I know...