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  1. F

    20/20 noise problems

    feed the fan with an external power supply, anyway theorical a fan doesn´t induced noise, only if your fan starts and stops continously could induce some high frecuency voltage spikes
  2. F

    yellow jackets, tone bones???? class A???? true or fake????

    Well from some years ago I know that there are an adapters that externally fits el84 tubes on other tube sockets, well I could believe that they could arrange from pentodes to tetrodes, I could also believe that they could rearrange all voltage and current parameters on the tube with some...
  3. F

    Anyone use SED =C= 6L6's in their Recto?

    On recto amps I ever recomend two brand of tubes, =C= and JJ. =C= are the louder and cleaner well balanced on all frecuencies. On the other hand JJ have its special attitude, they aren´t as loud as =C= also aren´t as well balanced as =C= but they have a mighty mid frecuencies booster up that...
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    Triaxis Question - Can anyone Help?

    a bit pops or volume oscilate on patch swaps could be normal, the most noticeable issue is when the led 1 red is involved due the circuitry design
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    Virginia Tech

    maybe newspaper are now trying to get an armagedon saying such things, we know how a newspaper works in such situations, anyway here in europe we receive a lot of news about American shooting in institutes, in my 28 years old I never met a person here in spain that has arms at home, but I think...
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    Virginia Tech

    Here in Spain I read on a newspaper that in USA is common that a bank gift you an arm when you open a new bank account :?
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    Virginia Tech

    what a pity. I never undestand how is it possible to buy an arm like buy a guitar in a shop:?
  8. F

    Hot/Cold Biased

    I have tried a lot of times but it evers bored me and go to sleep
  9. F

    Hot/Cold Biased

    what??? sorry I don´t understand what your means :(
  10. F

    Recommend good tube amp books please

    the bible of the tubes are collected on the Morgan Jones book, everyone that read that book have and before and after in his life, for example I extend my c_ck 25 cm, all the womes recognized dudes that read that book for his d_ck
  11. F

    Robotube @ Mesa for tube testing

    sylvania. please don´t go to mesa boogie and ask if you can get the robotube as a spare :lol: Why did you really need a tube tester??'
  12. F

    Hot/Cold Biased

    the mainly thing is enjoy your amp, and not to be the slave of your amp ;)
  13. F

    Hot/Cold Biased

    of course dude, if you are a great guitar player and you need to get 200 mph from your amp I recomend absolutely to take the amp to tech, but if you are a punky dude, drunken and not really care about your amp, you don´t need a tech, you need more time to enjoy your amp with your friends
  14. F

    Hot/Cold Biased

    yes dude, I spend a lot of time studing electronics I spend a lot of time customizing friends amps till I saw steve morse playing a peavey bandit, just in front of me. I couldn´t believe that extraordinary picking and feels that becomes from this little amp, so from this day, I always recomend...
  15. F

    is EH12ax7 OK for 12at7 spot?

    ok about balanced and not balanced issue is only a taste matter, for example regarding power tubes I ever recomend well balanced tubes better than a high tech bias adjustment. balanced triodes are for attitudes, a non balanced triodes gets a phase of the waveform a bit stronger than the other...
  16. F

    Hot/Cold Biased

    ok if you asked me as a tech I will say to you that the bias point is an strictly point that you fixed thinking how do you want to use your amp, if you asked me as a guitar player I could say to you that everyone has his own tastes, and I try to fixed the bias in a tech mode and then I try to do...
  17. F

    Hot/Cold Biased

    thanks stokes think that I spend an entirely year of my life 2 hours per day studing electronics so it is very very difficult try to condensate all about the amplifiers in only one topic, only a few lines and in a foreigner languages, for that reason I recomend to everybody to read the book "...
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    Hot/Cold Biased

    let me a few days to upload the images, if you are the only one interested you could append me to mesenguer and I could explain you directly
  19. F

    is EH12ax7 OK for 12at7 spot?

    guitar amps are usually running on a push pull ( class B, class AB ) mode, that mode splits the signals in positive and negative. Think a sinusoidal waveform it has half positive and half negative for every period, so if you splits signal into two signals you achieve to waste less power due the...
  20. F

    Hot/Cold Biased

    That is true, I think that there is a lot of info on the net about the bias but... I will try to explain one more time. The bias point is the the exactly point where your amp is working, ok? When you refers to a bias point you are refering a voltage and a current, if you don´t say both of them...