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The Boogie Board

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  1. T

    What is your opinion of the roadking l

    How much does a RK I combo go for on the used market these days? Thanks, -tom
  2. T

    New (used) amp decision help

    How does the sound compare between a Roadster and a Rect-o-verb? I know that there are not as many options on the RoV, but if the Roadster is using the diode rectifier do channels 3&4 sound like a RoV? How 'bout the clean channel? Thanks.
  3. T

    New (used) amp decision help

    I'm getting back into playing after about 10 years (various reasons). I play a wide range of music (blues, pop, classic rock, hard rock, metal) and I need an amp. When I was in a band in high school (around '87), the other guitarist had a Studio 22 that I loved. I want to get a boogie and...