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  1. P

    Recording a Recto using Slave output

    Great, I got it, thanks! I will use either Guitar Rig 2 to have IRs or my GT-8 (don't know if it could properly work...), so I think it will sound quite ok. Actually I thought that it was the Cab section that includes kind of a power amp sim, but according to what you've written this may be...
  2. P

    Recording a Recto using Slave output

    Ok, so contrary to the Loop Send output, slave output consists of the signal that comes after the power amp, right? Is it however a "line-in" level signal? I'm sorry but even if I'm quite fluent in english, I simply don't get what "IRs" are... :oops: Can you explain it to me and give me some...
  3. P

    Recording a Recto using Slave output

    Hi everyone, I'm a Single Recto owner for few months. I will soon record some stuff with my band, and I'd like to record my guitar this way: - putting a mic in front of my 2*12 cab; - at the same time, running a jack from the "slave out" output to one of the inputs of an audio interface, this...
  4. P

    Volume loss on my Single Recto lead channel [SOLVED]

    Hi there! So, Ibanez, you were damn right ^^ I didn't even think of this issue, because the faulty tube was a brand new one I've just put in :x Seconde time that happens to me, these little glass things can be a real pain in the (_|_) :evil: So back then to the one which was already inside...
  5. P

    Volume loss on my Single Recto lead channel [SOLVED]

    Hi everyone! I've just joined the Mesa family, so here's my first post :wink: My Mesa's a Single Recto Serie I (from 2000 I think) I've bought in used condition. First time I've played with, everything was OK, but the second time, after one hour practicing, all of a sudden there was a...