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  1. J

    FS/Trade MKII for MkIV/Lonestar/??? - GONE!

    Bump...Also interested in trading this and cash for a Road King or Mark IIc+...or something else perhaps. What ya got? -dave
  2. J

    Mesa vs Digital Simulation

    We have a oneathese at out church that we're pretty happy with: It does sound pretty real with the Orange Tiny Terror they use.
  3. J

    Post your rig part 2

    Here's my current getup. [hard to take decent pictures in a dark room tho!] It used to be much huger in a 12 space rack with a rackmount Dual Rectifier and some other gizmos, but that got to be way too heavy to move around. Here's the breakdown of this setup: Guitar Tuner Pedal TriAxis 2.0 [non...
  4. J

    Mesa vs Digital Simulation

    Hmmm...howbout anything put out by Mesa? Any Mesa product should sound better than a POD or software. Try an SM57 in front of your cabinets powered by your Roadster. That'll be real Boogie tone. -dave
  5. J

    Using 2:90 without using a Triaxis.

    A tip to ground switch is like the footswitch that came with some of the the older Boogies to change the channel. Or something like this: would work for one of the voicings. [obviously you'd need 3 to use...
  6. J

    Which Triaxis Output Would You Use?

    To me it would depend on what kind of power amp/cab simulation you're using. I'd say the Output if you have a warm cab sim or a tube power amp. Ideally I like to plug the guitar straight into the TriAxis and put the effects between that and the power amp. -dave
  7. J

    Unofficial Mesa Triaxis Settings Thread

    Patch Name: MkIV Crunch Submitted by: jaquetapus Mesa Triaxis Version: v2 non-phat Preamp Tubes: Stock Mesa Power Amp: 2:Ninety Power Amp Tubes: Mesa 6L6s Guitar: Ibanez S470DXQM Pickups: Stock Bridge Cab: Traditional 4x12 and Recto 2x12 Speakers: Vintage 30s Mode: Lead 2 Green Gain: 8.0...
  8. J

    Quad pre into Dual Recto Power Section?

    I ran my TriAxis into the power amp of my rackmount Dual Rectifier for awhile. Had to tweak a few settings, but man did it sound ballsy! If I were more of a metal player, I might consider making that my permanent setup. Less vocal/mid gain voiced than a 2:Ninety, but still a cool tone. -dave
  9. J

    triaxis much better than express head?

    My TriAxis/G-Major/2:Ninety/Recto 2x12 getup definitely does high gain well. Haven't played an Express, but in my opinion, you can't go wrong with a TriAxis. [as long as you have a Boogie power amp] -dave
  10. J

    This is what a IIC+ sounds like.

    Very nice! I always love hearing what fellow TriAxis owners do with their gear! These things wail a lot more than they get credit for sometimes. -dave
  11. J

    TC G Major questions

    It's not totally instant on is noticeable when you go from a crunchy patch to a chorusy clean...the chorus comes in a moment late. Kinda annoying if you're paying attention, but I usually don't notice it. -dave
  12. J


    Sounds great man! Fits well in the style. -dave
  13. J

    Must have rack pieces.

    Definitely another vote for the G-Major here. [although at this point you may as well wait for the G-Major 2] Killer effects, super easy to use, and pretty affordable. -dave
  14. J

    Show me your rack!

    Here's my current getup. [hard to take decent pictures in a dark room tho!] It used to be much huger in a 12 space rack with a rackmount Dual Rectifier and some other gizmos, but that got to be way too heavy to move around. Here's the breakdown of this setup: Guitar Tuner Pedal TriAxis 2.0 [non...
  15. J

    What if Mesa launched a new Triaxis?

    That would be sweet! And maybe they could make it in a 2 or even 3 space package so it wouldn't have to be so freakin deep! I'd be all over a oneathose! -dave
  16. J

    FS Line 6 Slant 4x12

    Looking to clear some space in the bedroom. This cabinet is pretty new, it was liquidated because it got banged up in shipping to the original retail store. So it's not the prettiest, but certainly not the worst cabinet I've ever seen. Structurally sound, works perfectly, only a little ugly...
  17. J

    FS/Trade MKII for MkIV/Lonestar/??? - GONE!

    Like it says, I'm lookin to trade my rackmount Dual Rectifier or my '79 Mark II for a Mark IV, preferably a short chassis combo or head with the newer leather style covering or in a rack kit, or a Lonestar, or shoot me whatever else you're lookin to move. My Dual Rec has the chrome chassis...
  18. J

    2:50 low sound out of Channel B!!

    Did the problem arise before the tube change and you changed them trying to fix it? -dave
  19. J

    Dunlop DCR-2SR Rack Wah buzz problem

    I was also thinkin about looking at the Tremonti wah...I like that vocal midrangey tone. That's why I bought the rack wah, to have that option. -dave
  20. J

    Dunlop DCR-2SR Rack Wah buzz problem

    Well, have an email in to Dunlop's tech support, to see if I'm doing something wrong. [though I couldn't imagine what it would be] If they can't solve it, I'm expecting them to replace it, I'm even willing to pay shipping if need be. If they won't then I guess I'll try and return it to...