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  1. DS-1

    Several faults in a three channel Dual Recto

    Have you got the clean issue with the FX loop on?
  2. DS-1

    3 channel Triple Rectifier Loop Mod.(Parallel to Series)

    I'm trying to find a good local technician who has experience with Mesa products. In the meantime, I restored the parallel loop and all the transistors. By the way, the problem remains even with the parallel loop.
  3. DS-1

    Footswitch Cable for My Triple Rectifier?

    Thanks a lot, fluff191!
  4. DS-1

    Preamp tubes for Triple Recto

    Thanks for replies, guys! I've installed the new preamp tubes. Now I have the Triple at home, so the only channel I can use at gig volumes is the clean. It sounds more clean and cristalline to me, and the MID pot seems to work better than with the old tubes. Instead, I have no comments about...
  5. DS-1

    Footswitch Cable for My Triple Rectifier?

    I'm looking for a 7 pin DIN cable for my Triple Rectifier, too (I called the Mesa italian dealer, who told me that the original cable costs something like 90 dollars!), and I wanted to buy this Hosa cable. I see in the pictures I've found on the Net that the Hosa cable doesn't seem to have the...
  6. DS-1

    Preamp tubes for Triple Recto

    The tubes arrived today! Now, I suppose it could be nice to try the Sovtek LPS in the V1 position. Then how could I use the other tubes? In which position would you use the two EH Gold Pin and the other two standard EH 12AX7?
  7. DS-1

    3 channel Triple Rectifier Loop Mod.(Parallel to Series)

    I've tried all the things you wrote. Obviously, no pedal was connected in the input. All guitars are with passive guitars. Also, I've tried with single coils and humbuckers: always the same result. The "overdriven" sound you can ear pumping up the master on the channels, with the loop on, is...
  8. DS-1

    3 channel Triple Rectifier Loop Mod.(Parallel to Series)

    I've tried, but it works in the same way.
  9. DS-1

    3 channel Triple Rectifier Loop Mod.(Parallel to Series)

    Unfortunately here in Italy there isn't a good technical support for Mesa amplifiers. I've written a mail to the american Mesa Boogie, I hope they can tell me more.
  10. DS-1

    3 channel Triple Rectifier Loop Mod.(Parallel to Series)

    I know this. I'm able to ear the real Recto sound, with the loop off. Unfortunately, I have this problem and I really don't know how to fix it. I only removed the 2 s/r J175, not the J175m, but I suppose it is used for the mute channel switching, so I don't have to remove it, isn't it?
  11. DS-1

    3 channel Triple Rectifier Loop Mod.(Parallel to Series)

    I have a Triple Rectifier that always sounded bad with loop enabled, even with only a patchcord from send to return, so with no effect. The problem is: with the loop on (with or without effects in the loop, it doesn't matter), lowering the Output level and going up with the Master on every...
  12. DS-1

    Preamp tubes for Triple Recto

    Perfect! I've bought these tubes: 2x EH 12AX7 / ECC83 Gold 2x EH 12AX7 / ECC83 1x Sovtek 12AX7 / ECC83 LPS Thanks for the help. I'll write you here when the package will be here!
  13. DS-1

    Preamp tubes for Triple Recto

    Thanks a lot, Neptical. Which one will be used for loop?
  14. DS-1

    Preamp tubes for Triple Recto

    Trying to do a summary, what tubes would you buy, from V1 to V5, considering that I should buy it from Tube Town (the link I posted)? Take care of the fact that I have JJ EL34 now, but I could swap it with gray Mesa 6L6 and that I'd like to buy for sure this EH you told me and a neutral tube...
  15. DS-1

    Preamp tubes for Triple Recto

    Are you talking about this one? If so, are you using these in all positions?
  16. DS-1

    Preamp tubes for Triple Recto

    Hi guys! After 4 years of intense playing, I think it's time to change the preamp tubes on my Triple Recto. I'd like to have a more clean green channel, trying to limit the too fizzy sound on 3th channel in Modern mode. Is there any preamp tubes configuration that can me obtain these things...
  17. DS-1

    3 Channel Recto Presence Mod....

    I have a sort of fizzy sound on Channel 3 on Modern setting of my Triple Recto that I would like to eliminate, installing the new potentiometer. Is there any way to buy the potentiometer on Internet? I'm Italian and I think It could be too expensive to call Mesa in America and tell them to sell...
  18. DS-1

    Triple Rectifier loop mod: picture of a "bad sounding" work

    It's what I wanna test. Do you think that modding the loop removing the JFETs, doing jumpers seen here: could decrease the output volume?
  19. DS-1

    Triple Rectifier loop mod: picture of a "bad sounding" work

    Does the 2 J175 on send\return can affect the sound in quality? If so, I would like first to do the mod removing the transistors. If the output volume will be to low, I can try to change those 2 transistors.
  20. DS-1

    Triple Rectifier loop mod: picture of a "bad sounding" work

    I dunno what's the right function of the FX LOOP button on the footswitch. I suppose that it should work like the Mark IV one: the button should "turn off" all the effects and leave only the clean sound. In my case, nothing happens: pressing the switch doesn't "bypass" the loop, so the sound is...