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  1. X

    Mark V 25 quite low gain

    Hi, first of all thank you guys very much for your advices! Yesterday, I got the chance to record a little bit and there was the sound from the videos. As more or less expected just the room sound seems to lack the distortion. I"ll play with it over the weekend and build up my mind, because I...
  2. X

    Mark V 25 quite low gain

    Thank you for the advices, I'll try to record an example. I already tried several examples from the Pertrucci vid and also the djenty vid (I realy like that sound) but for some reason the settings didn't sound as gainy as in the vids. I know I'm comparing a recorded sound with a live sound...
  3. X

    Mark V 25 quite low gain

    Hello, I changed my loved Mini Rectifier for a new Mark V 25. Now I recognized it has quite low gain even with dimed gain and treble knobs. At least the in-the-room-sound (had no chance to record with it until now). As mentioned I had the mini recti and still have a Peavey 6534 and both have...