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  1. J

    fuzzy sound

    yes could you send me your settings. and the guitars used are stock 92 les paul standard, 86 les paul jr, les paul with alnico IIs installed, the stock les paul sounds best.
  2. J

    fuzzy sound

    thank you very much all i appreciate the help
  3. J

    fuzzy sound

    all on vintage settings not rectified spongy
  4. J

    fuzzy sound

    the fuzziness is worse with the alnico II pickup I guess because it is a hotter pickup?
  5. J

    fuzzy sound

    I am playing at low levels ch2 is presence 9 oclock master 9 gain 1 oclock bass 11 oclock mid 11 oclock treb 11:30 ch3 is pre 9:30 mast 10:00 gain 12:00 bass 5:00 treb 12:00 master volume about 9 o clock playing...
  6. J

    fuzzy sound

    All right here is the deal, I have always wanted a dual rect and finally purchased one off of ebay. Here is my question, i have a couple of les pauls and one has alnico II seymour duncans in it. I always thought the mesa was crisp even in channel 2 and 3 but if i go over 12 oclock on gain the...