JP2C not what I expected - tube issue?

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Sep 10, 2006
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I just bought a JP2C, and it's quite different from what I was expecting (not in a good way). It was a store floor model, and I'm wondering if I need to swap out some tubes.

When I try the "instant gratification" settings, or have the gain in channel 2 or 3 at anything less than 3 o'clock, there's barely any sustain. The sound is more AC/DC style crunch rather than Master of Puppets style, and the feel is a little lifeless. For context, I also have a Dual Recto rev G and Mark IV. At the moment, my Mark IV smokes the JP2C for high gain sounds, which isn't what I expected based on everything I've read.

Could this conceivably be normal, or is it clear that there must be an issue? I'm not hearing any of the issues that I'd normally attribute to bad tubes -- no noise, squealing etc. The amp sounds fine other than having lots less gain/sustain than I expected. I'm wondering whether that could be consistent with a bad preamp tube, or some other bad component. Or whether the Mark IV and Dual Recto inherently have higher gain & sustain.
Have you pulled the gain knob?

I find anything below 2oclock to be too low gain. I also find any of JPs instant gratification to be too low gain. Probably because he runs at a much higher volume to what I do. It also depends on the guitar and pickups. On my EBMMs 2oclock is enough. With evos I need to raise it to 3 o’clock.

The GEQ Plays a part too. Raising the treble fader and / or presence control means less gain is needed to achieve the same level of saturation and sustain.
I have the same issues with both channels 2 and 3. And guitar-wise, I'm using an early JP6 and an older JEM... so I would think the pickups are hot enough.

I think I'll just have to do the obvious, and swap out the tubes to see if that changes anything. Maybe the Mark IV is just better suited for me, or maybe I do have bad tubes in the JP2C...
I sold my original JP2C limited last year (I needed money quick) but my memory of it is it having a lot of gain but I also recall that unlike some amps you could dime the gain and it still sounded great. I think they designed the gain knob to be more fully utilized than other amps. I actually just ordered one of the last brand new JP2C limited from reverb ( I think there are less than 5 new in the wild). I am curious if you solve your issue with new tubes, please update us. This amp should definitely not be ACDC crunch at anything over 12 o'clock.
I didn't have a chance to get new tubes, though I swapped out the power tubes with the ones in my dual recto (which aren't new, but which should still have plenty of life left in them). That seems to have made a significant difference. I probably still need to have the gain at upwards of 3 o'clock to get the sound I want, but post the tube swap I can now get a sound I'm happy with, which wasn't the case before.

It *is* quite different than the Mark IV, and I'm still learning to dial it in. Not quite as tight, not as compressed, but LOTS of harmonic content which adds some more depth. I'm tempted to say that the JP2C is crispier while the Mark IV is fizzier. But I need to spend more time with it before making that conclusion.
Ok yeah, I think it was the tubes. Been playing some more and I like what I'm hearing!
Glad to hear it's growing on you. I am waiting like a little kid on Christmas for mine to be delivered this morning. You should make a quick clip of yours and share so we can hear how it sounds. I can throw up a quick video of mine as well so you can compare.
richprice79, I'm currently travelling but I'll try to see if I can put something up when I'm back. Would be good if we could compare with identical settings.

One thing I'll say is that I have a new appreciation for the Axe FX 3 -- the JP2C model seems closer to the real thing than I would have expected. At one point I was playing it and it actually took me a little bit to realize that I was playing the modeled JP2C rather than the real one(!), because I'd set up the inputs/routing incorrectly. But I'm still thrilled to own the real thing, because the Axe is only 90% as good, not 100% as good. The feel, especially, is just nicer with the real amp. The strings feel so much more alive.

It's neat how the dual recto, Mark IV and JP2C each have their own unique sound and place. I think those three cover all the bases, for what I like. My initial thought had been to sell the Mark IV once I got the JP2C, but it's different enough that it's worth keeping. Though I feel sheepish that one amp seems to be sufficient for Petrucci, yet I need three. :lol:
APEMAN said:
I'm curious here... I own a MarkIV(B) as well... (And I love my V since it is free from issues) ... But the IV is the best amp I ever played.

To me, the JP2C shares its preamp roots with the V (afaik it is not a 2C+ PCB, therefore not a reissue), combined with a BIG monstrous poweramp and modded for high gain.
I build a volume 1 control into my V. I have to set it pretty high(9 out of 10) in order to get good sustain at about 12 o'clock treble.

On your amp, do you have less problems on CH3 compared to CH2? If yes, try to increase the treble.

Actually, we spent over 2 years with John's personal 100w IIC+ here at the shop, going through every aspect - testing every component, to faithfully re-create HIS amp. It has nothing to do with a Mark V.
MrT-Man said:
... Though I feel sheepish that one amp seems to be sufficient for Petrucci, yet I need three. :lol:

I think Mr. Petrucci has not sold his collection of old IIC+ (and hordes of other Mesa stuff...) :lol:
MrT-Man said:
richprice79, I'm currently travelling but I'll try to see if I can put something up when I'm back. Would be good if we could compare with identical settings.

One thing I'll say is that I have a new appreciation for the Axe FX 3 -- the JP2C model seems closer to the real thing than I would have expected. At one point I was playing it and it actually took me a little bit to realize that I was playing the modeled JP2C rather than the real one(!), because I'd set up the inputs/routing incorrectly. But I'm still thrilled to own the real thing, because the Axe is only 90% as good, not 100% as good. The feel, especially, is just nicer with the real amp. The strings feel so much more alive.

It's neat how the dual recto, Mark IV and JP2C each have their own unique sound and place. I think those three cover all the bases, for what I like. My initial thought had been to sell the Mark IV once I got the JP2C, but it's different enough that it's worth keeping. Though I feel sheepish that one amp seems to be sufficient for Petrucci, yet I need three. :lol:

I made a quick video with my "filth" settings. Is it too much gain...probably. Do I care nope!

Quick note I am in 60 watt mode 4 ohm out using EQ 2 to lower volume while still shaping the sound.
Great sound, richprice!

I've become more familiar with the amp, and it now sounds god-like. Aside for swapping out the power tubes, tweaking the "drag" control on my Radial splitter seemed to make a difference, plus I realized that the Treble knob has a huge influence on gain. I'm running it through a Suhr RL and Axe III, with a mix of three cab IRs, some EQ, delay and reverb... and can't believe how great of a sound I can get while being completely silent.
This is truly an amazing amp. I have gotten some others over the last few years now and traded a couple of JP-2Cs but I keep coming back to this for a good reason, because it is loaded with options, midi, and sounds amazing at all volumes. The other think I like about it is the size of the amp and the weight of it. Easy to take anywhere and great for gigging.

Truly a work of art! Thx to Mesa and John for making it happen!

Just to followup on this thread, I since bought a 2019 Majesty, and the JP2C sounds quite a bit better when paired with that vs. my 2005 (or so) JP6. I was surprised at the difference.

Maybe some combination of the Majesty pickups having a hotter output (though I was using an overdrive with the JP6.. don't really need one now with the Majesty), the Majesty being a lot more resonant (due to neck thru body and mahogany / maple body) and/or the JP2C just being better tuned to the Majesty.

Anyway, everything sounds great now!
Great to hear it all worked out for you!
This is one of those amps that will be a keeper for me. It has so many features that I have always wanted packed into a small and manageable chassis. The only other amp that I just got that works in the same way for me is the new EVH 5150 III 50s. It is outstanding as well. I have a nice number of different tones between the two amps and they aren’t hard to take around once everyone can start gigging again.

Stay safe!
Hi everyone!
I’m late to the party but I’m just got my JP-2C and I wonder if anyone has a sound bleed through the guitar cab with the speaker switch of the head in off position. Is there something wrong with my amp?
Thanks for your help.
Great sound, richprice!

I've become more familiar with the amp, and it now sounds god-like. Aside for swapping out the power tubes, tweaking the "drag" control on my Radial splitter seemed to make a difference, plus I realized that the Treble knob has a huge influence on gain. I'm running it through a Suhr RL and Axe III, with a mix of three cab IRs, some EQ, delay and reverb... and can't believe how great of a sound I can get while being completely silent.
Yeah, that treble knob I'm still messing with. I used the Ola setting (treble 10, mids 0, bass 0) and thought the treble was too high, but now it seems like maybe it's better that way. ??? I was using the EMG 57 and thought that, now I'm using the MT Fishmans and I like it better treble on 10. ??? Amp still sound amazing to me. Maybe it's hearing hangover from switching with the cleans? I'm still balancing thing out. It's not as finicky as I used to remember with the Mkiv i had. Having loads of fun.