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  1. V

    Tone Monk Seed of Life WOW!

    It's warmer than a Timmy, less scooped than a Small Fry, and all around fuller and not as gritty as a Tubescreamer.....very balanced.
  2. V

    Tone Monk Seed of Life WOW!

    I just got this thing today and man, does it sound incredible through the 5:50. This may be the best sounding overdrive I've heard going in the Express.
  3. V

    ... another effect loop question.

    I'm having great success running FX into the FX loop. But I limit it to delays, chorus, and such. All overdrives go in the front door.
  4. V

    Pushed clean sounds

    I've got quite a few dirt pedals that I use in front of my 5:50, not necessarily because I don't like the amps' overdrive, I don't have time to diddle with amp settings between songs. For medium gains, here's what I typically have on my board: Timmy, Luther Drive, Lovepedal Eternity Burst, Xotic...
  5. V

    Report from a tube-change

    Another follow up. I hear some harshness return when putting the AX7's in V1 and V2 so I put the TungSol's back in.
  6. V

    Tubes from Captain Bob's Electronic Emporium Ebay?

    Doug offers a tube cocktail for the 5:50 that's pretty good. I've been down that road and it worked well for me. But I was looking for less brightness so I followed Goran and Tubenator's advice and replaced V1 through V4 with these and really like the...
  7. V

    Tubes from Captain Bob's Electronic Emporium Ebay?

    call Doug @ Doug's Tubes.
  8. V

    Report from a tube-change

    One of the great benefits of dirt boxes is adding different flavors of overdrive for a lot less that the cost of another amp. The 5:50 definitely has great crunch and burn channels that have their place. But I like to mix things up a lot tonally and the 5:50's clean channel is a good platform...
  9. V

    Mesa "customer service" sucks!!!!

    Maybe I should cut em some slack. But I have admittedly been very frustrated with all the baloney I've had to put up with after shelling out a decent amount of cash for the 5:50. I do have high expectations when buying good gear. But then again, maybe I've been spoiled by the customer service...
  10. V

    Report from a tube-change

    "And yes, with the AT7 (or any lower gain tube) in V5, you'll have less reverb available. I'll probably put an AX7 back in V5." Confirmation of results is always good. Thank you for responding. :) I really, really like the Crunch Box now. The Skreddy Lunar Module before and after results are...
  11. V

    Report from a tube-change

    I had some time yesterday and A/B'd a bunch of new overdrive pedals, including a fuzz. Taking the ice pick off the top makes a big difference in a lot of my pedals. The Crunch Box (distortion) sounds so much smoother than before. I almost sold it...glad I didn't. Ditto the Boiling Point. I...
  12. V

    5:25 w/ 4x10" Cab - Anyone?

    I lucked into a Mesa 3/4 back 4x12 with Black Shadows and oh man does it sound good. I also have a Mesa 3/4 back widebody 1x12 and it adds some nice bottom end. I've even used my 5:50 as head into an inexpensive Bugera closed back 4x12 and that sounded good too.
  13. V

    Report from a tube-change

    I am so happy with these tubes it's not even funny. Every dirt peddle on my board was run through the amp at practice tonight and oh man did they sound good. The ice pick is greatly reduced and the amp sounds much better. For once I wasn't twiddling with the tone knob on my guitar trying to get...
  14. V

    Report from a tube-change

    I replaced V3 and V4 with the 12AX7's and a 12AT7 in V5 (I left both Tungsol's in V1 and V2) and it definitely reduced the ice pick. Thank you for recommending these tubes. I'm definitely going to need to tweak my dirt pedals accordingly....can't wait to let it fly at practice tomorrow night.
  15. V

    overdrive pedal

    This is an excellent point, thank you. BTW, I recent;y acquired a Skreddy Screwdriver, BB Preamp, Lovepedal Eternity Burst, Barber Burn Unit, and a Skreddy Lunar Module. The Burst sounds awesome through the 5:50 as does the Burn Unit.