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      DECEMBER reacted to Eevil's post in the thread Presence has no effect on Extreme... with Like Like.
      It should do something but it is subtle and different effect compared to other modes. Rinse and repeat.
      I guess it says this in the manual... I bought it used, so I didn't get a manual.
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      DECEMBER reacted to mace's post in the thread Presence has no effect on Extreme... with Like Like.
      On my V the presence knob on Extreme makes very subtle changes. It is way less noticable than on the the other modes on channel 3. Maybe...
      DECEMBER replied to the thread Vintage 30 Help.
      This is the only one I bought: Noise Factory CaliMaster68 212 Utah This one sounded best to me out of all of theirs, but now that I...
      The Presence knob on channel 3 of the Mark V isn't doing anything on Extreme mode. It works on Mk IV & II modes and the other channels...
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      DECEMBER replied to the thread V90 Ch1 Tweed mode hiss.
      I got rid of some noise by putting all new tubes in, but Tweed is still the noisiest voicing in the amp, even though channel 3 has way...
      DECEMBER replied to the thread Vintage 30 Help.
      I'm running Live 12 with over 500 tracks at times and WoS on a good 200+ of them. But I have 96GB RAM and a 24-core Intel i9. My IRs...
      DECEMBER replied to the thread Vintage 30 Help.
      Yeah, I have a 50W Badlander. 1, 3, and 7 are the best-sounding of the stock IRs, to me. I don't know what it is, but all 3rd party IRs...
      DECEMBER replied to the thread Vintage 30 Help.
      Yeah, 4 V30s is too much V30. They do well paired with another speaker, but I never care for the sound of just V30s. Black Shadow...
      DECEMBER reacted to rarebitusa's post in the thread Vintage 30 Help with Like Like.
      Well just one opinion... if you already have a 4x12 w/ v30s maybe consider mixing in a different pair with the 2 good v30s... could be...
      DECEMBER replied to the thread Mr Scary Mod.
      I don't regret getting it. I could have easily spent $320 on overdrive pedals trying to get the same effect, but would still be...
      DECEMBER replied to the thread Mr Scary Mod.
      Here's a good one: If you're running the gain at 3:00 or higher, then you would benefit from the Scary mod. I had Crunch gain at max...
      DECEMBER replied to the thread Mr Scary Mod.
      I have to add: it's really hard to swap tubes in this thing! The sockets are really tight. I couldn't just pull them out, so I had to...
      DECEMBER replied to the thread Mesa Mark IIC+ and ME PMEQ eq.
      This is why parametric is perfect for guitar - you can set each band to any frequency. I use 10 bands of fully parametric and they're...
      DECEMBER reacted to sloanthebone's post in the thread Mr Scary Mod with Like Like.
      You have convinced me to get one of these for my BL50.
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