yet another lag question

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Mar 8, 2010
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So i've had my roadster head for several years now and never realy had a problem with the lag issues that so many have had. untill some of the newer songs i've been working on. were switching wuickly in and out of distorted/ clean parts. I leave the reverb on all the time but it's still lagging just enough to throw eveyone off a beat or two. i searched through previous solutions and cant find wat i'm looking for. Was there ever a mod that wasfound no make the switching instantanious? something the mesa tech can change out? i'f i used external switching would that get rid of the lag completly? I love my roadster and always have. I just hate the thought of changing what i can write bassed around the lag.

thanks for your input
Is the problem the switching, or a long-tailed reverb? Try without the reverb to see if it helps.

If you are switching using the Mesa footswitch, then it can't get any faster than what you have.
it's the switching. i have the reverb turned on but dialed out on all the channels. and i am using the mesa footswitch. was hoping there was a work around i was missing
Based on what I know about their switching circuits, I have a hard time understanding how you would get more than a few milliseconds of lag. I wonder if you have a problem with your footswitch or amp. A faulty connection could cause a delay.

Try a different cable and footswitch, and try another amp as well. I would think that if the Roadster had this problem by design, nobody would own one.

Have you done a search of this forum looking for this particular problem?
Ya I can't see a few ms of lag being able to 'throw everyone off'. If you are experiencing more than that, take the amp into a mesa authorized repair place and have it looked at.

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