I have the SA EQ2, as well as a rackmount Ashly 10-band parametric. I prefer analog, but there are so many knobs in a 10-band parametric EQ (30) that it's virtually impossible to get the same sound twice. I've spent entire days dialing it in, trying to get it back to a sound I had before...
So I got the EQ2 for the preset capability. I was already using the Nemesis and Ventris with the Neuro Desktop app, so it was no problem to add another. The EQ2 is just a crude graphic EQ with really wide default Q, until you connect it to the app. Then it becomes fully parametric with HPF/LPF and shelving options, series/parallel signal flow, an adjustable gate, and a limiter, with 128 presets and MIDI recall/control.
I have extreme noise in my apartment that requires 3 gates to manage. One in front, the one in the EQ2 first in the loop, and one at the end of the loop.
After about 7 months with this amp, I finally have my EQ dialed in to a point that works for everything. It involves the built-in 5-band, one channel of the EQ2, and one 5-band channel of the Ashly parametric, plus the BBE Sonic Stomp Pro boosting the mids with the 'Focus' knob.