Friend needs a tube combo, preferably a 2x12 for pop punk rock music. He likes the Jcm tone so anything comparable to that may work.
Looking to put about 300-400 in one.
Tell him to check out the Crate V series amps at Musicians Friend. I got a 33 watt head for $179 brand new! They have a 1x12 and 2x12 combo or you can get the head and a 2x12 cab. You can't beat them for the money. There's several mods that you can do to them. Plus if you put an EQ or BBe Sonic Stomp in the loop you can get into Mesa Recto and Mark territory.
ive got a peavey valveking 2x12 100w combo with fresh power tubes i'm looking to get rid of due to money trouble. its been a GREAT amp for me and is pretty versatile.