Will Studio's and Quad's soon be "Pre-500 Recto" s

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
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Phil[th]adelphia, PA
Now that I am aware of the magic of these preamps, especially the Studio, I am very surprised that all the ebay auctions for these in the past few months have either won with 1 measly bid or closed with 0 bids. I guess few people know about them, and those people who would like them are only aware of the Mark series and the newer preamps such as the V-Twin, Formula, or Triaxis.

Several of the reviewers on Harmony Central said that within a few years the Quads and Studios will at least double in value because people are going to realize how good they are. Maybe they'll get that "Pre-500 Recto" reputation...and I'll be glad that I nabbed one back in 2008 for $375!
Regardless of whether they become like the pre 500's, I'm going to be grabbing at least a studio and one more quad, because they are that good. I hope they don't jump in price, because they are some of the few pieces that few know about and are just magical, and I'd like to be able to get a few more for different setups and not break the bank.
If I like the Studio as much as I think I will, I think I'm gonna grab a second one when I have the money. Do you think 2 Studio's would be equal to or better than a Quad? Or does the Quad have "other" sounds?
The upper half of the quad is similar to the studio and bottom half is a bit different, but I'm sure with enough dialing and the same power amp, you could get both units sounding very close together.
Rack pieces were all the rage in the late 80's. Now everyone wants the look of the stack (and ease of setup?). I'm sure this has a lot to do with the used market value.
DMTransmutation said:
If I like the Studio as much as I think I will, I think I'm gonna grab a second one when I have the money. Do you think 2 Studio's would be equal to or better than a Quad? Or does the Quad have "other" sounds?
