Why doesn't Guitar Center online sell Mesa amps ?

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Feb 10, 2006
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Anyone know why Guitar Center-online (www.musciansfriend.com) does not list Mesa amps for sale online, even though they are sold in Guitar Center retail stores?
I've talked to a guy at GC about this.

There are certain things that GC has, MF can't hace, and the opposite applies too.

Mesa amps are one of these things. And if ordering, you can just get it right from Mesa, so I really don't see a point.
I live in the Bay Area and there is three Guitar Center, only one is an Authorized Mesa dealer. I haven't visit that Guitar Center. But I visit the other two.

Let say I'm glad those Guitar Centers are NOT a MESA Authorized dealer and I'm glad Mesa appointed these other music shops (3) as authorized dealers since they're friendly informative salespersons and these shop sells boutique stuff too.

I think Mesa are selective of who distribute their gear and Musicians Friends is more a "mass" music sales shop so they were not consider a MESA Boogie Dealer.
I wouldn't swear to it but I think Mesa won't allow authorized sales online.
If you noticed, mesa wont let anyone adversise them. They have a strict rule about it. They are a small company that is renoun for their amps. They want to keep their company as prestine and high end as possible. No ones even allowed to give discounts on their products. This way Mesa maintains their reputation as a high end producer with no comprimising. Im sure its also good for buisness cause they stick out of the crowd. Im glad they are uptight cause its just one ore thing showing that the truely care about their product.
They do it to protect their retaillers.

If you're a small shop buying an expensive head to sit as floor stock can be a risky proposal.....particularly if the big shops down the road get bulk discounts and undercut your prices so bad you can't compete. Mesa forces everyone to play fair, and the pricing policy guarantees you that you'll make a certain amount of profit without the worry of someone else discounting you to death. Which makes it more likely that small shops will carry your product, and thus more likely you'll sell their amps.
you hit it right on the nail screaming daisy. The people at my local shop says they don't allow discount anywhere. I didn't believe them so I called about eight shops and they all said a dual recto was 1699.
you also have to keep in mind, MusiciansFriend is NOT GuitarCenter.

They are owned by the same parrent company, thats where the relationship begins and ends.
A few years ago my bud and I went out to get his Mesa (nomad 55) and the dealer, with whom we've been dealing for a good 10 years, told us that Mesa does indeed set the prices, and he has virtually no wiggle room for discounting. In fairness, he then proceeded to knock off the 'sales tax' for him, giving us a de facto discount, but he had to make that up somewhere else. Probably on a Marshall to a middle aged wanna-be-bluesman....oh, wait, that woulda been ME!!
marshman said:
A few years ago my bud and I went out to get his Mesa (nomad 55) and the dealer, with whom we've been dealing for a good 10 years, told us that Mesa does indeed set the prices, and he has virtually no wiggle room for discounting. In fairness, he then proceeded to knock off the 'sales tax' for him, giving us a de facto discount, but he had to make that up somewhere else. Probably on a Marshall to a middle aged wanna-be-bluesman....oh, wait, that woulda been ME!!

Well, you stated it yourself.
He didnt give you a discount, he just cut and pasted money from elsewhere.
There is NO "wiggle room"
HOWEVER, what you can do is haggle for the salesman to throw in free stuff
GC can't even do the 12 months same as cash promotion on Mesa products unless you also purchase a non-Mesa product. There is probably a loop hole in their clause that allows it with the additional purchase.
Ken j said:
GC can't even do the 12 months same as cash promotion on Mesa products unless you also purchase a non-Mesa product. There is probably a loop hole in their clause that allows it with the additional purchase.

here is the loop hole, after the purchase just RETURN the item you didnt want!

When I worked at GC we even told people they could this.
We would literally just ring up say a Mesa with a promo item on it, and actually return the the promo item directly after "selling it"


sometimes this can be a pain though, as in some cases the cheapest promo item may be a few hundred dollars, which in adition to the mesa (or whatever non-promo item) may be over your GC credit limit.

Back in August though, you could finance a 15 dollar Korg tuner if you wanted. There was no minimum purchase to qualify.

GC has been doing this years actually. Its actually how I got my first Mesa 4 years ago. Im suprised the credit company or manufacturers havent complained..
Ken j said:
GC can't even do the 12 months same as cash promotion on Mesa products unless you also purchase a non-Mesa product. There is probably a loop hole in their clause that allows it with the additional purchase.

That's intresting. I bought my LSS last year at GC under the 12 month same as cash promo with no hassle and didn't have to by a non-Mesa product. As a matter of fact, the salesman was the one who let me know about the deal. It doesn't matter to Mesa or GC, they get their money for the product. You just pay Retail Services back the money. It would be the same if you put it on your charge card. Just paid the amp off this month! :D
Actually, Musicians Friend(MF) does carry Mesa/Boogie, though they don't list them on their website & catologs due to manufacturer's restrictions. You have to call their 1-800 number & tell the rep that you want to purchase a Mesa/Boogie. You'll still have to pay list price, but you might have to pay shipping, so you might as well buy it through a local "mom & pop" dealer. I live by Kansas City, where MF's distribution center is located, & they have a clearence outlet there where you can buy scratch & dent & customer returned merchandise. Once every blue moon they have a Mesa that was returned on the sales floor which is discounted slightly. An MF employee there told me that they carry Mesa, but MF is prohibited from advertising or discounting them. (Monster Cables has a simular agreement with MF, btw.) I'm sure other mail order/online retailers (Sweetwater, AMS, Music123, etc) do the same too.....
Billy Adams said:
If you noticed, mesa wont let anyone adversise them. They have a strict rule about it. They are a small company that is renoun for their amps. They want to keep their company as prestine and high end as possible. No ones even allowed to give discounts on their products. This way Mesa maintains their reputation as a high end producer with no comprimising. Im sure its also good for buisness cause they stick out of the crowd. Im glad they are uptight cause its just one ore thing showing that the truely care about their product.

While this is true it blows my mind that they let Guitar Centre carry their product for this exact reason. GC ruins their product in my opinion. I haven't been to a single GC where the salsesperson knew how to tune the amp, or knew anything about it. The last trip to GC I asked to play a stiletto, the guy kept trying to convince me that the Triple Rectifer was the amp I wanted. I explained to him calmly that it was a totally different amp and he argued and said I can get similar tones from the 6L6 power tubes...

That and the only shop Mesa authorized to blow out the Stiletto's to was Guitar Centre... (around here), this really irks me considering I'd much rather give the business to the local shops that actually know how to use the Mesa product and won't try to sell you something you're obviously not interested in.

I have this sinking feeling in my stomach that GC is going to hurt M/B in the long run.

Sorry for the soapbox there, and apologies to anyone who works for GC and knows their stuff... I'm just giving you my personal experience here. Not trying to grind my axe :)
Platypus said:
Billy Adams said:
If you noticed, mesa wont let anyone adversise them. They have a strict rule about it. They are a small company that is renoun for their amps. They want to keep their company as prestine and high end as possible. No ones even allowed to give discounts on their products. This way Mesa maintains their reputation as a high end producer with no comprimising. Im sure its also good for buisness cause they stick out of the crowd. Im glad they are uptight cause its just one ore thing showing that the truely care about their product.

While this is true it blows my mind that they let Guitar Centre carry their product for this exact reason. GC ruins their product in my opinion. I haven't been to a single GC where the salsesperson knew how to tune the amp, or knew anything about it. The last trip to GC I asked to play a stiletto, the guy kept trying to convince me that the Triple Rectifer was the amp I wanted. I explained to him calmly that it was a totally different amp and he argued and said I can get similar tones from the 6L6 power tubes...

That and the only shop Mesa authorized to blow out the Stiletto's to was Guitar Centre... (around here), this really irks me considering I'd much rather give the business to the local shops that actually know how to use the Mesa product and won't try to sell you something you're obviously not interested in.

I have this sinking feeling in my stomach that GC is going to hurt M/B in the long run.

Sorry for the soapbox there, and apologies to anyone who works for GC and knows their stuff... I'm just giving you my personal experience here. Not trying to grind my axe :)

It's been my experience that Guitar Center salespeople are morons. I went to the one in Independence, MO and asked if I could see some preamp tubes. (for my MkIIb) The clerk/salesperson asked me "What make of amp is this for?" I told him, & he said "Oh, we don't carry Mesa/Boogie tubes..." I then said "Well, let me see your GT preamp tubes then" for I was wanting to get GT's anyways. He showed me some EL34's. I said "No, those aren't it..." Then he showed me some 6L6's...to which I said "No, those aren't it either, how about some 12ax7's?" That kid might as well have been working at freakin' WalMart!

They had a used Japanese Fender Strat in there for $300 a month ago. The serial number was obviously scratched off the headstock. That guitar should've never made it to the sales floor. That alone loses my confidence in GC. And the rest of their used merchandise is priced only about 10-15% less than the brand new stuff that they carry.....
It boils down to being a Mesa authorized dealer. Part of this deal says that you as the dealer sell straight to a customer. You are not allowed to sell new merchandise to another dealer who is not a Mesa authorized dealer. There are other stipulations as well. Mesa dealers are also supposed to sell Mesa amps at a price that Mesa fixes, no more, no less (but this isnt always the case).