Why can't I see posts or responses by APEMAN?

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2020
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I noticed that any post or comment by this user I can't see.


He has a post about the Mark V and I believe the "ice pickness" that I would like to read.

Is it because I'm new to the forum?
I believe that there was some drama and APEMAN decided to take his toys and go home...
Keep trying. He may respond to IM. I heard from him after he went and deleted everything. Good guy with some great input. At least he couldn't delete what people quoted from his posts. 8)
I have been messaging with him, he has been very helpful. It’s too bad that his posts are gone, he seems to really understand these amps.
ranchak said:
I have been messaging with him, he has been very helpful. It’s too bad that his posts are gone, he seems to really understand these amps.


Any idea if he's going to re share his insight any place else?
I didn't ask him about that, he seems to be very busy rehearsing with his band lately. I did find a bit of his responses were still in his original thread. I wonder if Bandit2103 has any of the info? I was reading through this thread last night and I am up to page 28 and I see that you had some trouble with your Mark V. You had just gotten it back when I realized I couldn't stay awake any longer and decided to go to bed. You did the C39 mod?
Yeah, in doing the C39 mod I accidentally left a ribbon cable disconnected and fired up the amp resulting in a burnt out transister stunting signal to ground. Luckily a local tech did a great job in diagnosing and repairing it for me. After that I did the GEQ coupling cap ( pull deep I believe ) mod for the iiC+ mode. That and AT7's in V4 and 7 and couldn't be happier. I can now get as heavy as you like on iiC+ mode. Mark iv mode always seemed too mushy for my taste and now iiC+ can compete on the heaviness scale.

Real shame that APEMAN up and left as i was very greatfull that he sparked the whole AT7 mod thing off. I was an early adopter and enjoyed the journey with him and Bandit. Then Markageddon chipped in with recommending V7 and the amp now roars. Not planning on any other mods now, not electrical that is. Have my singer currently building a head shell to fit the guts of the amp and my effects unit hopefully from a nice piece of walnut or something similar so looking forward to getting that back soon. Was very interested in what APEMAN had done to his though, believe he swapped out quite a lot of components.
I originally was going to do the C39 mod, but with tube swapping and swapping out speakers I’m getting really close to be happy with this amp. I’m going to try the 12AT7WC in V7, a Gold Pin Gold Lion 12AX7 in V1. I few different speakers and hopefully I can put this to rest.
I would definitely steer clear of the hardwired mods if you can get where you want to be by tube / speaker swapping. Much less risky and better for resale value too. I'm very happy with mine and glad others are getting some joy from theirs too. Less tinkering and more picking is the way it should be. I think learning when to settle is the key here, no amp will ever be perfect, not at everything for sure.
Wayno said:
I would definitely steer clear of the hardwired mods if you can get where you want to be by tube / speaker swapping. Much less risky and better for resale value too. I'm very happy with mine and glad others are getting some joy from theirs too. Less tinkering and more picking is the way it should be. I think learning when to settle is the key here, no amp will ever be perfect, not at everything for sure.

I got to run my amp at volume on Saturday in a band setting, it definitely kicked ass! Great tone, imho. The only thing is my amp and cabinets are not stock. Not sure how it would compare switching it all back to stock. I didn’t care for the C90 and I’m sure I would probably feel the same about it now
ranchak said:
Wayno said:
I would definitely steer clear of the hardwired mods if you can get where you want to be by tube / speaker swapping. Much less risky and better for resale value too. I'm very happy with mine and glad others are getting some joy from theirs too. Less tinkering and more picking is the way it should be. I think learning when to settle is the key here, no amp will ever be perfect, not at everything for sure.

I got to run my amp at volume on Saturday in a band setting, it definitely kicked ass! Great tone, imho. The only thing is my amp and cabinets are not stock. Not sure how it would compare switching it all back to stock. I didn’t care for the C90 and I’m sure I would probably feel the same about it now

If the amps rocking, don't go a knocking. Spend your time enjoying it!
I was looking for the Saturation mod, it is gone. I guess APEMAN decided to pull the plug. Bummer, there was some good information in that thread. All I did was drop out but left my account active. Why take away information that may help out someone later on? I basically lost interest when the forum changed to the new server.

C39 mod, probably not a required mod to perform unless your CH3 is extremely brittle. It's primary purpose is to eliminate the high frequency oscillation issue which was not the problem I had with the amp. Extreme brittleness overall was my issue. Could not use CH3 due to this problem. The 12AT7 swap does not require removal of any components. This will cut the high frequency gain down but will retain the low end and midrange gain about the same as the 12AX7. With just that, the tone stack works. Made it possible to actually dial up the treble.
Nah dude it's still there. Apeman deleted his posts, which included the title, but no one but mods can delete threads.

I'll link it: http://forum.grailtone.com/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=73352

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