the cap mod is effective, but it doesn't stop "tone sucking". that phenomenon is subjective anyway. it will sound different than without the mod, in the same setting as w/out......but either is a legitimate technique.
personally, i get more useful sounds by using an amp w/ 30 watts(el84 powered) to 50-60 watts (6l6 or el34) turned up to "too loud" w/ gain at "LEAD simmer". i roll my axe volume back to 2, and adjust as needed to compete w/ the band "loudness wise". i only roll to "10" for solos. btw:::: not only does the volume knob become useful.....the tone knob starts actually doing something worthwhile.......coolness!
this is not a good method if you are a "modern metal player". MMP's should be playing a solid state amp (no less than 100 watts) TOTALLY CLEAN and flat. & use a BOSS MT-2 METAL ZONE FOR YOUR "tone".....(really...tone has nothing to do w/ that sound........that's just gain.) the majic that tube amps do is lost when gain is abused........sure, tube amps can do the job.......but, "why spend the $$ on tubes when SS's can do it(the same exact job) SO MUCH cheaper?"....keep YOUR axe volume rolled up so that your pedals(sssssssss) have a signal to work with. MMP's can footswitch into leads.
i know some will get insulted by what i've said.... :x .......there's always that faction who're lookin' for a fight , anyway.
c'mon, then........tell us how i'm wrong and hurt your feelin's. :roll:
i'm just the messenger.....put the gun down, now. :wink: