which volume pedal are DC users using?

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
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I know I'm going to have to mod mine to serial fx to make this work but I'm looking into a volume pedal for my DC10. I will be putting it in the loop to act as a master volume I'm looking at the Ernie Ball vp junior 25Kohm one. I'm assuming that's better than the 250Kohm one for being in the loop. Less any one else has better suggestions.
If you place a 180pf capacitor across the input and the wiper of the volume pot, it will stop the tone loss.
Look on PRS's website and there are many drawings that show this.
It really works well!

That being said, without the capacitor, I would most likely have been using a volume pedal for many years!
hmmm sounds interesting, I will have to look into that. But this will still be pushing the preamp less than a full open guitar which is where boogies shine for their distortion
the cap mod is effective, but it doesn't stop "tone sucking". that phenomenon is subjective anyway. it will sound different than without the mod, in the same setting as w/out......but either is a legitimate technique.

personally, i get more useful sounds by using an amp w/ 30 watts(el84 powered) to 50-60 watts (6l6 or el34) turned up to "too loud" w/ gain at "LEAD simmer". i roll my axe volume back to 2, and adjust as needed to compete w/ the band "loudness wise". i only roll to "10" for solos. btw:::: not only does the volume knob become useful.....the tone knob starts actually doing something worthwhile.......coolness!

this is not a good method if you are a "modern metal player". MMP's should be playing a solid state amp (no less than 100 watts) TOTALLY CLEAN and flat. & use a BOSS MT-2 METAL ZONE FOR YOUR "tone".....(really...tone has nothing to do w/ that sound........that's just gain.) the majic that tube amps do is lost when gain is abused........sure, tube amps can do the job.......but, "why spend the $$ on tubes when SS's can do it(the same exact job) SO MUCH cheaper?"....keep YOUR axe volume rolled up so that your pedals(sssssssss) have a signal to work with. MMP's can footswitch into leads.

i know some will get insulted by what i've said.... :x .......there's always that faction who're lookin' for a fight , anyway.

c'mon, then........tell us how i'm wrong and hurt your feelin's. :roll:

i'm just the messenger.....put the gun down, now. :wink:
I used to use Ernie Ball volume pedals. The guitars volume knob is great, but having a volume pedal at different places in the signal chain can be very handy.
caucajun said:
the cap mod is effective, but it doesn't stop "tone sucking". that phenomenon is subjective anyway. it will sound different than without the mod, in the same setting as w/out......but either is a legitimate technique.

personally, i get more useful sounds by using an amp w/ 30 watts(el84 powered) to 50-60 watts (6l6 or el34) turned up to "too loud" w/ gain at "LEAD simmer". i roll my axe volume back to 2, and adjust as needed to compete w/ the band "loudness wise". i only roll to "10" for solos. btw:::: not only does the volume knob become useful.....the tone knob starts actually doing something worthwhile.......coolness!

this is not a good method if you are a "modern metal player". MMP's should be playing a solid state amp (no less than 100 watts) TOTALLY CLEAN and flat. & use a BOSS MT-2 METAL ZONE FOR YOUR "tone".....(really...tone has nothing to do w/ that sound........that's just gain.) the majic that tube amps do is lost when gain is abused........sure, tube amps can do the job.......but, "why spend the $$ on tubes when SS's can do it(the same exact job) SO MUCH cheaper?"....keep YOUR axe volume rolled up so that your pedals(sssssssss) have a signal to work with. MMP's can footswitch into leads.

i know some will get insulted by what i've said.... :x .......there's always that faction who're lookin' for a fight , anyway.

c'mon, then........tell us how i'm wrong and hurt your feelin's. :roll:

i'm just the messenger.....put the gun down, now. :wink:

Hmm.... interesting. I take it you don't play much metal :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

My modified DC-10 does metal way better than any SS piece of crap I've ever owned!
But, it also does Country, Blues, Jazz (what little I can fake), Rock, Classic Rock, and....oh yeah.....ROCK!!!!!!!!!!

We don't play just metal, but we do a few heavy songs. The DC shines no matter what guitar, what tuning, or crazy chords I throw at it.
Oh, and it goes to 11! :lol:
You are on the right track with a 25k EB Jr VP for your FX loop. I've got a 250k VP Jr in my loop and while it does work, it is not completely silent when rolled back in CH3 of my Mark V. I keep the gain down on the other two channels so it can mute those channels. Also, using your guitar volume rolls off gain just as a volume pedal used in front of the amp does. Using a VP in the loop acts more like another master volume and all gain remains intact as you roll it back to zero output. I put my VP before my Nova Delay in the loop for swells ala Petrucci (among others). I've thought about buying a 25k to put in the loop instead and putting the 250k in front (off the board since I'm out of room). You can both versions used for about $65.

Oh, and, yes, you will have to mod your FX loop if you want the VP to be able to mute your output entirely.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

no......never had a use for them........but, i hear that ernies are the better ones.

eschoendorff ....(ooo....tempting..)"Hmm.... interesting. I take it you don't play much metal :lol: "

answer: only 30+ years experience...........but, don't let that interfere with blind loyalty. :p

take your best shot, pups! i can handle it. :p

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