which one for me: mark IV or roadster?

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Jan 20, 2007
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I want a new amp. In my band we play everything from zeppelin, to pearl jam, to ac/dc to alter bridge and red hot chili peppers. I was leaning towards a roadster/roadking, but also thought about a mark IV. I didnt think the mark IV could do the really gainy stuff.
I love the Mark IV and was about to get one (I also play in a similar cover band). But, when the Roadster came out all bets were off. I bought the 1-12 combo and love it! Great cleans and awesome highgain recto tone and tons in between. The 4 channels and the reverb are a must (for me atleast).

Personally I would go with the roadster.
I just moved from a MKIV to a Marshall JVM410H and I think you should check it out. I loved my MKIV except for R2. the marshall sounds really nice and has a lot of tones, that are right on the foot switch. You get 4 channels with 3 modes each, all there on the foot switch. If you hate the Marshall tone stay a way, but otherwise give it a listen.
I play a Roadster head currently, and also bought a JVM410 head...I really liked the amp, but found the noise and sqealing to be virtually uncontrollable in a band rehearsal setting...and this was with a GMajor gate in the loop and a decimator in front...if Marshall sorts that out though, it is a killer amp.
dont get me wrong,MKIV are really,really great amps but with such a tonally demanding amp(because you have listed a wide variety of bands with completly different sounds) I would say you would need the versatility of a roadster or a roadking,Roadking II all the way for me

rabies said:
that new Marshall is likely not reliable, much like other JCM 2000 trash. I had a TSL 100 for a while and the output tranny's blow easily (not on mine, but an amp tech told me) and footswitch broke. Decent sounding for hard rock/blues but WAY overpriced. Plus nobody can beat Mesas customer service.

I had a trash TSL too, hated it, but i liked my DSL. The mesa's seem a lot better made then the Marshall's. If I wasn't going for marshall, then the Roadster would be the choice. The marshall gives you more tones via the foot switch then the Roadster (4 channels x 3 modes each) but the Roadster will give you a wider spread of tones IMHO. But if you love Marshall tone, check it out.
hi folks when were on the topic of marshall,they are not reliable,but my question is,how much do they cost in the states,a tsl/dsl here costs about £800($1600),is that how much they cost in the US,

rabies said:
that new Marshall is likely not reliable, much like other JCM 2000 trash. I had a TSL 100 for a while and the output tranny's blow easily (not on mine, but an amp tech told me) and footswitch broke. Decent sounding for hard rock/blues but WAY overpriced. Plus nobody can beat Mesas customer service.

Ok, hold on. You have no way of knowing that the JVM isn't reliable. If you had a bad experience with a JCM 2000 model, talk about that, but don't make blanket statements about the reliability of an amp you have no experience with.

I think rabies was really meaning that marshall are really renowned for there bad reliability,they arent made to the standard of mesa boogie so as far as mesa vs. marshall for reliability mesa destroy marshall and in an amp(especially if your giggin it)reliability is a huge factor....your not likely to be let down by a mesa...you are with a marshall.That aside the jvm may be in a class of marshalls all of its own..

mesanomad100 said:
I think rabies was really meaning that marshall are really renowned for there bad reliability,they arent made to the standard of mesa boogie so as far as mesa vs. marshall for reliability mesa destroy marshall and in an amp(especially if your giggin it)reliability is a huge factor....your not likely to be let down by a mesa...you are with a marshall.That aside the jvm may be in a class of marshalls all of its own..


Sure, I understand. And I appreciate the explanation. I believe 100% that overall mesa quality kills marshall JCM 2000 quality. You just never know what improvements have been made. Hopefully they worked out some of the JCM 2000 issues with the new JVM. I just think it's best when we stick to giving advice in the realm of our own experience. Thanks.

To the OP: I really think the amp for you is going to be a matter of personal preference. From the description, I'd definitely check out the Road King/Roadster. But don't discount the Mark IV either (or the JVM). They can all do so many things, it such a matter of which you like the best. Aside from sound, I'd check into the construction. (Mesa vs. Marshall). If the JVM has some of the cheaper features of the JCM 2000 series (i.e. PCB mounted tube sockets) that may help you make a better decision as to which is for you. Good Luck.

true rabies,4 channel amps are hard animals to tame and you do find yourself constantly tweaking them,for instance the RK series

although these(in my opinion)are the best boogies(or amp for that matter) and are the pinacle of amp technologie(spelling is BAD I know)


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