Which cabinet for MarkV top?

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Jul 6, 2010
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Hi all,

I am going to sell my DC-5 Combo and want to buy a Mark-V Head to be more flexible. I would like to have a small cabinet (1x12 or 2x12) and I am unsure which one to buy (from Mesa).
Any recommendations? Music style: Classic Rock, Blues/Rock. Thus would like to have sparkling cleans and good crunch tones.

Or should I buy a Mark-V combo instead and later combine it with a cabinet? What difference will there be in tone?

Any hint is aprreciated!

Thanks for your help!
The 1x12 Widebody fits the head exactly.

If space is an issue, the combo is a little smaller.

I was originally targeting the combo until I tried to lift one. The head and cab is probably a little heavier, but you can carry it in two pieces, or even one in each hand.
Thanks. I have tried the combination and think I will buy the head with a 3/4 back design 1x12 cabinet.
I bought the 2x12 vertical and sounds pretty damn good, I would like to try the old halfback vertical 2x12 someday, if I can find one.