Whats your favorite speaker in a a Mark IV combo?

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Jul 15, 2008
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Mine came with the EV and to be honest,, I just don't care for it. My favoite speaker is a Celestion G12h and I'm trying to find a high power model that will come close. Anyone try a G12K in a combo? How about one of the new Emi V12 Lynch models?
I like the Weber California, ceramic. It is great for the clean sounds, and not too bad for the crunch & lead spinds. I think it sounds less sterile than the EV, but still gets a nice low end, and detail on the high end. If you are mostly using lead sounds, maybe this one wouldn't be the best.

I have also tried the Weber Chicago, which is probably better for leads. it has a high end roll off, resulting in a mid rangey sound, like a high power greenback. However, it was not as nice as the California for the cleans. I also tried the Thames, which was a little too ice picky for my taste, and didn't get enough low end, which is mandatory in a Boogie!
I like the EV better than the v90 - cleaner and tighter lows. However, both pale in comparison to my Recto 2X12 with V30.

The reason I make this post is that perhaps you will never REALLY dig this amp in a combo.

Ahhhhhh big stages where I can hook up the Recto ......
angelo said:
I like the EV better than the v90 - cleaner and tighter lows. However, both pale in comparison to my Recto 2X12 with V30.

A few months ago I bought a MkIV combo with an EV speaker in it. I played it through its EVM speaker first, then ran it into my Recto 4x12 cab. The same day my 4x12 Recto cab was on sale.

I have tried several speakers on this amp, I think the EVM is the one which better complements it.

My 0,02

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