Before you sell, keep in mind that the amps are discontinued.
And I think it’s agreed by almost everyone that the Lonestar Models were some of Mesa Boogies Best amps the company has ever made!
For some reason when I check to see what people are selling these amps for,
I can’t see many that are for sale anymore.
It’s almost like someone bought them all up or players aren’t getting rid of them?
Maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places?
But I can only see about 3 of them for sale and they are at least $1000 more then what mesa boogoe was selling them at the time brand new
If your not in a hurry to make a sale,
I think adding $500 to $1000 more to the cost of these amps is Fair.
For example I think $3000!canadianor $2250 US dollars if my money conversion is correct ?
Anyways that’s a fair asking price for a lonestar special 1x12 combo i IMO
I would pay that easily!
I mean those lonestar Amps are just amazing!
I have all the Holy Grail beauties from vintage fenders and vintage Marshall’s and I think the Lonestar Models Fit right in.
Mesa Boogoe really hit a home run with the Lonestar Models,
And it’s kind of curious why Gibson (the new owners of Mesa Boogie) have discontinued the lonestar models?
I think Randallwould sacrifice a bit less in profits to build an amp properly!
You see he’s not the boss anymore
Gibson think more about their profit margin then putting out a Great Boutique High Quality Anplifier
These new Guys will cut corners to save a Buck
And little by little the quality of mesa boogiewill go down!
And that is why the lone stars were discontinued becaise the profit margin isn’t big enough for Gibson. That just my speculation,
Thelonestar models simply
cost too much money to Make for Gibson!
Many are predicting that in years to come these amps will double on price and be Highly Highly Sought after, But who Knows
Anyways Good Luck!