What IF

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto Canada
lets say I have a ABY switcher and i needed another extension.. example.. with one guitar cable i am going to a lehle pedal which would goto a quad + a studio pre.. so i could play through both simutamsly but what if i wanted to also use the mark IV simutamlsy.. how would i plug my guitar cable in there? the only way i can think of is using another lehle but that would degrade the original signal too much! , maybe they'res an amp switcher out there that can run 4 units simutamiously and I can have the option of choosing them on or off through relays or midi? anyone have any solutions
You could switch between them via midi if you used something like a GCX. That's what I do...but going into the same power section probably won't yield great results when you combine the units at the same time.

sombra said:
sometimes death is better :roll:

was that suspose to be a joke? heh... didnt' really get it ..

Anyways, I'm hoping to get the quad preamp and the studio pre and putting one in the left and and in the right and getting the mark IV to have the fundemntal of my tone in both speakers...and then i want to get a master footswitch that can switch between mark IV in stereo or Quad + pre in stereo as well, and then have settings where I can have the Quads clean + mark IVs clean .. does this seem doable without any degredation?
Nick_cor said:
sombra said:
sometimes death is better :roll:

was that suspose to be a joke? heh... didnt' really get it ..

yes sometimes WE get caught between equipments and forget to play or to study.Maybe go out with friends
It is a joke :D :D :D
lol yeah, ! i totally agree, Lately i've had so much G.A.S it's nuts, I've been really trying to get unlazy about my playing , i used to practice 2- 4 hors a day metronome wise, but with school and other stuff, i get so distracted and so lazy, but i'll try to get back into that habit! ( practicing that is)
You need one of these..

It allows you to add preamp in parellel with your MarkIV.Never use them before,so icant tell how good it is..

Or Mesa amp switcher.it can run 4 amps simultaneously.But you need a poweramp.+ cabs..
You need one of these..

It allows you to add preamp in parellel with your MarkIV.Never use them before,so icant tell how good it is..

Or Mesa amp switcher.it can run 4 amps simultaneously.But you need a poweramp.+ cabs..

This is exactly what i'm looking for... I can mix two preamps and my mark IV but at the price I was trying to avoid! this one looks pretty good


But these maybe the quality isn't as good! thanks for the help everyone!