What color power tubes come stock in Rectifiers?

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I read somewhere (I think on Mesa's site) that the color codes are just batch indicators from Mesa, and change often, so they aren't really "standardized" in the heads. It just depends on what batch they are using when they fill the heads they are building. They aren't an indication of biasing, since Mesas are all fixed bias from the factory. They just color code them so you can tell which are matched pairs incase you get mixed sets for some reason.

I ha ve a Roadster and a Lone Star and both came with yellow color coded tubes. I was just wondering is this was standard or do the just use whatever color batch they have around.
I got my power tubes changed a while ago (before I received some education on these matters from this great forum), I just had a look at the ones that were installed by the local shop to find that one of the tubes has a different colour stamp. Should I get this changed??
afaik, at least the outer/inner pairs should have the same color code ... so you should probably change the different one. But wait for the pros to comment on this :)