Weird overtones coming out of a Mark V over certain notes

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Oct 24, 2013
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I've recently been getting weird overtones being produced through the mark v when I play certain notes. Guitar doesn't matter, tried 3 different guitars. Channel doesn't matter, it is present on all 3. I've turned Reverb off. I've swapped power tubes. I've disconnected the foot switch.

It happens most predominantly on playing the higher C# on the A string. The note rings and then behind it comes this over tone that takes over and gets sounds really staticy and gross. Its also present on many notes high up on the fret board. If plugged my guitar into another amp just to rule out that possible all 3 guitars had fret buzz, and no. The sound is coming from the amp.

Its a 1x12 combo.

Any help would be great.
Try running it into a different speaker to rule out a speaker issue.
You were right. I plugged it into a little 1x12 I had here, and sure enough, the sound went away. Brought it back to the dealer, they are going to fix it and gave me a loaner in the meantime.

JayMorrison said:
You were right. I plugged it into a little 1x12 I had here, and sure enough, the sound went away. Brought it back to the dealer, they are going to fix it and gave me a loaner in the meantime.


No problem. Glad to help!