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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Saylorsburg, PA
so I get to (finally) play my Mark IV thru a Recto 4x12 cab tomorrow at a show! I have never played it thru a Mesa cab, ever.

Soooo used to my 5150 cab with Sheffields.....
well, I can honestly say that I was kind of disapointed.

I didnt really have time to tweak settings to tame it a bit, but the thing had too much mid-highs and sounded pretty harsh. I backed my presence down a bit but my buddy in the crowd said it sounded kinda crappy. We were second band of the show, so the sound guys were probably still tweaking stuff.

If I get a Recto cab, I will definitely be replacing the V30s with something else.....
i bet its the amp's fault and not the cab. i find that the damn thing sounds harsh no matter what its played through. it sounds pretty decent recorded, but when i can't stand it in a live, or even a practice situation, i wonder why i dont just let it go. "come on u just gotta tweak it for 5 years before it sounds good" well, i want to play music not f*ck with my amp every 2 minutes.
oh I can get great live tones out of it, but I'm so used to running thru my 5150 cab with Sheffields that it was sorta shocking to me. I prefer the sound of the Sheffields over the V30's.

can anyone tell me which speaker would get me a good chunky low-mid end, without the mid-spike of the V30s? I hear good stuff about Greenbacks....and the Greenback Impulses I've used, I prefer.
bryan_kilco said:
can anyone tell me which speaker would get me a good chunky low-mid end, without the mid-spike of the V30s? I hear good stuff about Greenbacks....and the Greenback Impulses I've used, I prefer.
had the exact same mid-highs issue w/ mine. celestian t-75's sound much better, but the t-100's are even more gooder! 100's have tighter bass response than 75's

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