Wampler Triple Wreck: does it come close?

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Active member
Jan 1, 2010
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Yeah I know nothing beats the real thing but anybody here compared the Triple Wreck to their Boogies?

How was it?
check out this vid. For the real deal recto sounds were used to....jump right to around 6 minutes. Keep in mind, this is a single 10 inch speaker and a 5 watt head. From what I "hear" this thing freaking kills! very good for a stomp box and Im seriously considering one now! my triple aint much of a bedroom amp!

Dayuuuummmm :shock: :shock:

That little stomp box has some nads..... I can see that going in front of my little Fender practice amp as a 'grab and go' practice/jam session pedal. Stout is the word that comes to mind.
:twisted: Huevos Del Grande! :twisted:

Here are a couple more vids. Haven't checked them out yet though: http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Wampler-Triple-Wreck-Distortion-Pedal-Rectifier_W0QQitemZ290418169236QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar_Accessories?hash=item439e459594
Thats exactly what I was thinking! I have a fender blues junior NOS 15 watter that I use for cleans(for recording sometimes), blues stuff, and just jamming at home. Even if my recto head wasnt too loud....its only with me half the time anyways cause I leave it at the rehearsal space often or in our studio or whatever. Id really like to have one of these pedals to toss in front of my little fender(which takes pedals like a champ in most cases). Im kinda curious about what kinda miked sounds Id be able to get also.

Im sure its still not "the real thing".....but especially when youre coaxing that kinda sound out of just a little 5 watter.....how much closer can you really expect to get!
I use it with my Recto Pre and it adds huge amounts of *** to an already kick *** unit. No it's not the same by no means but it does have it's place and is very easy to dial in fast.
i rehoused mine!!

i use it with a black heart handsome devil head and a 2x12. it has amazing low end! and is not noise at all!!!!!! if you are not careful,you can bring down a few walls :D
I wasn't expecting that much kick from that pedal into that rig.
Very impressive sleeper tone there for sure!
The demonstrator on youtube "drkarnivore" is a friend of mine over here, he brought the triple-wreck to a jam session and we played it through his 5w tube head and a 4x12. Frankly it was astonishingly good! Obviously the real thing is better but this little pedal absolutely blew our socks off for the money they charge, highly recommended for a bit of Rec-feel on a budget.
shredmaestrobri said:
salvatruco said:
RectoStudioGuy said:
Brand of box?[/

i got mine here http://www.roadrageprogear.com/en1004.html

How does it compare with the MK V?

It does the Rectifier sound. The MKV does not cover the Rec IMO. It does not do that sizzle a REC does when gain is dimed. That's why I picked up a used REC head to go with my MKV. Some think a V does go 'into' REC territory just not all the way thru it. Your mileage my vary.

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