Volume problem when switching channel

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May 4, 2010
Reaction score
Lille - France
Hello to all,

I own a Mark V head for 2 or 3 months, and I recently notice a problem during channel switching.

ie, I play clean channel, I switch to channel 3 and I have no volume, the volume is increasing slowly during 5 seconds as a fade in, then volume is ok. The problem is the same for switching from channel 2 to 3, or 3 to 1, 3 to 2, 1 to 2, ...
I have this problem after 2 hours of playing. I put standby and I wait half an hour and I don't have any problem during channels switching.

Do you have feedback about this problem,

Thanks a lot

Sounds like something more than a tube issue. If you purchased the amp new, it is still under warranty, so talk to your dealer who may be able to help

Good luck
for you, it should be a problem with power tubes.

How can i check this?

If I go to the amp shop and we try different couple of tubes, i can't reveal the problem because it appear after few hours of playing, is it ok? or I change 4 power tubes and I will check during the next rehearsal?

Thank you
I gave my amp to the music store where I bought it, and they will check amp and if they don't find the failure, they will send amp to the customer service.

I'll keep you inform
I'm no EE but something "slow bleeding" like that sounds like a capacitor going wacky.
Hopefully it's nothing major and you get yer amp back ASAP!!