Volume drop out on my Quad when engaging GEQ

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Nov 24, 2011
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I've recently got a Quad Pre and I've just found a problem!
As the subject says, the amp's volume drops out significantly when I turn on the GEQ whether it's channel 1 or 2.
It's like.. if I was playing at 4 without the GEQ, I have to turn up the volume to about 6 or 7 with the GEQ flat.
I've googled to find out somebody having the same problem as me and the solution to it.. but I failed.
So, if there's anyone had this prob and fixed it, please tell me what's wrong and how to get rid of it!
(Or if it's just normal, let me know so I can stop worrying..lol)
Thx in advance :)

by the way, is there anybody owning both Quad and SP feels the Quad's GEQ is a bit dull compared to the SP's GEQ? 'Coz I feel so..:p
If your volume is dropping, then whatever causes that would also likely affect the tone.

Most of the time it's bad LDRs. I don't know if Mesa did the GEQ switching in the Quad with them, but if so, they are probably bad.

+1 Most likely a faulty LDR. Elvis is correct, the GEQ is switched by LDR's.

hyukjoon22, please send me a pm with your email and I can send you a photo showing the 2 LDR's that switch the GEQ that probably need replacing. The parts cost about $8 each in the US I believe.

I happen to have my Quad open right now as Im also having LDR problems. I have been advised by some knowledgeable Boogieboard members to replace all my LDR's for peace of mind, since these preamps are getting a bit old now and could benefit from a little TLC. I'll be doing that in a few weeks.
