volume differences in my 2:90

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Feb 8, 2010
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Another 2:90 question..., sorry if it has been asked before. I just bought a used 2:90 a while ago, and noticed that channel B is almost twice as loud as channel A. Is this normal or could there be a problem somewhere ? Both channels seem to work fine, right now I mainly use it in mono configuration so it isn't a huge deal. When I do want to use it in stereo I find it hard to adjust the volumes accordingly. Has anyone else had this problem, or is it how the power amp runs ? By the way it is the older blue light model.
No, that's not normal. First port of all would be to replace the tubes, but for the purpose of diagnosis, switch the channel A and channel B tubes around. If the problem stays the same, it's in the amp circuitry. If it shifts to the other channel, it's just the tubes.
Could be tubes, or a bad resistor in the circuit. I had my A channel go out, and it was one resistor. I also put new tubes in it.
