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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
South East, UK - dissecting yet another Huff solo
Hey friends,

It's been a while since I posted a clip, and I've been meaning to share some more clips of the kind of live tones I get from my Boogie in my regular Praise & Worship gig, but I struggled to find the time.

It was my birthday a couple of weeks back, and I thought it was a great excuse to make the effort to extract the clip. Only then did I realise that I no longer had any web hosting since I had switched Broadband suppliers, so I couldn't share the clip that day. The penny finally dropped in the last few days that YouTube would be a simple solution, and so I registered, and uploaded a short video. 8)

I'm using my sweet Charvel ST Custom - a guitar that I've used frequently in my audio clips, but has somehow hasn't found its way onto many of my video clips. The signal chain is my main live rig including of course, my trusty Mesa F-50 and G-Major - miked with a SM-57. The song called for a guitar tone with complexity and bloom in the (low gain) break up, and I liked the way it turned out. I hope you do too - please let me know what you think. :)

Can I also take this opportunity to wish the community here a wonderful Christmas, and a fantastic new year, :thu:

Big smiles,

nice clean tone. it doesnt have that high end attack, which is good, so it doesnt sound like a tin can :p nice playing too
sombra said:
To be honest ... boring

sorry :oops: :(

Hi sombra,

Thanks for taking the time to listen. I'm sorry it wasn't to your tastes - can't please all of the people all of the time. :oops:

I freely admit this isn't the flashiest example of my playing. I was actually responsible for the hook line for the song, which obviously features throughout the outro. This is why the guitar part is a little simplistic and repetitive, as it leaves space for the other instruments to do fills. I personally like it, although I can appreciate some might see it as boring.

I usually try to convey something about the voicing of the amp when I post a clip, and this clip was primarily about the amp's pushed tone, as I felt it sat really nicely in the mix. Furthermore, it may not be a tone that people might expect from the F-series so I hope it has some value.

I checked out your recent guitar clips, sombra, and I liked them! 8) You're a good player, and I liked many of the ideas in your solos. My style of guitar is very different to yours, but I've posted below some links to some of my other clips, just in case any of those are more to your taste. Rock on! :wink:

Big smiles,


:oops: My chronological attempts at Home Recording my Mesa F-50... Comments? Tips? Advice?
Gain sound Clean sound (Miked) Clean sound (Direct) Gain sound with HBs Crunch sound with HBs Gain sound (touch of delay at mixdown) HB Gain sounds (delay & chorus at mixdown) Bluesy sound (delay at mixdown) Triple Texture Guitars Revelation (5.4Mb) "LA" Sounds (Clean & Lead) Modern Heavy Riffin' sound Woody Clean sound Classic High Gain sound Classic 6L6 Drive

:cool: Video Clips from Gospel Gigs
Ballad (Clean & Crunch), Bluesy, Acoustic, Jazzy, Soul, Pop Rock, Rock Ballad
Rayder said:
nice clean tone. it doesnt have that high end attack, which is good, so it doesnt sound like a tin can :p nice playing too

Thanks for taking the time to listen Rayder. :)

I was indeed going for a very mid-heavy tone with lots of sensitivity to pick attack. I was actually using the F-50's lead channel with the gain rolled back. I was also using my trusty Dynacomp - here's a diagram of how my rig hangs together:


Big smiles,

I said boring to the entire song not to your playing.
I really didn't liked the song ,not my style although I can recognize a good work even if it is not my kind of music.

I checked out your recent guitar clips, sombra, and I liked them! 8) You're a good player, and I liked many of the ideas in your solos. My style of guitar is very different to yours, but I've posted below some links to some of my other clips, just in case any of those are more to your taste. Rock on! :wink:

Thank god that we are differents ,imagine how boring the world will be if we were playing all the same !
Thanks for your nice words I can see for your answers you are a very nice guy.
luck :wink:
Koprofag said:
I still think you should tell your engineer that Koprofag thinks less vocals and more guitar would sound better. :) :wink:

Thanks for the clip.

Hi Koprofag!

Thanks for taking the time once again, buddy. :) Yet again I got less elbow room than we guitarists tend to prefer, :p but I won't complain, as I thought the guitar cut through quite nicely.

I'm pretty sure the video team got a feed from the mixing desk coupled with some ambient mikes, so I don't think they have much room to manoeuvre. Nevertheless, if they ever start multitracking these recordings, I'll put in a request for a specific "guitarist's mix" of the DVDs. :D

Big smiles,

sombra said:
I said boring to the entire song not to your playing.
I really didn't liked the song ,not my style although I can recognize a good work even if it is not my kind of music.

Thank god that we are differents ,imagine how boring the world will be if we were playing all the same !
Thanks for your nice words I can see for your answers you are a very nice guy.
luck :wink:

:wink: Thanks sombra. Keep on rockin' in the free world! :cool:

Big smiles,

Random Hero said:
cool clean tone dude!

Music isn't my thing, but that isn't why you posted it.

I liked the tone alot.

Hi Random Hero,

Thanks for checking out the clip, and you're right - the reason I posted it was to highlight the tone. It reminds somewhat of the type of pushed sounds you get out of Class A EL84 based amps, and it makes me grin that I can pull such a tone out of my 6L6 Boogie. I'm glad you liked it! :)

Big smiles,

on you home recordings, you have some awsome tones and licks. In my opinion, you're a great gutiar player. PM me sometime and let me know exactly what to set my F100 to in order to get some of those tones of your's, exspecially that clean tone.
prody said:
on you home recordings, you have some awsome tones and licks. In my opinion, you're a great gutiar player. PM me sometime and let me know exactly what to set my F100 to in order to get some of those tones of your's, exspecially that clean tone.

Hey prody,

Thanks for the kind words. I responded to your PMs and I hope you have fun with the settings I sent through. The kind of diad playing I was using in that clean clip, was used a great deal by masters like Curtis Mayfield, and of course, Hendrix. My clip was a take on the Poison song, "Until You Suffer Some" (Fire and Ice), stunningly played originally by the awesome Richie Kotzen 8)

Big smiles,


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