vacuum tube (switch position) doesn't work :( ---SOLVED!!---

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Mar 1, 2016
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Hi there!
I am a dual rectifier's owner and I have a concern.
The switch on the back panel which select silicone diode or vacuum tube mode does not work.
In depth, if the switch is in silicone diodes position, it works; if I switch to vacuum tube mode, it does not work. (no souds from my cabinet)
Are there suggestion about it ?
thank you in advance
Change the rectifier tubes and see if it works. If the sound cuts, that probably means the switch works, but the tubes need to be changed or seated.
Thanx Afu;
saying "change the rectifier tubes", you mean the placement ? or changing the old tubes with new tubes?
Actually my dual recto is 10 years old, probably it needs of complete check with replacement of the tubes.
thx again for the reply
ok thank you for your suggestion...this job required a specialized technician o I can do it all by myself ?at this point I will change also the 6L6 tubes...goodbye my money we were so happy together !! :)
Since Mesa uses a fixed resistance for their bias, it's plug and play as a long as the power tubes are within specs. Mesa recommends you buy their tubes, but GT 4-6, EHX Medium, and Rubys rated 33-52 will work. The lower the number, the more power/distortion. I use Ruby tubes in the upper-30s range and they are sweet. A quad on Amazon is $50 and the store will make sure the set won't kill the amp if you ask.

Mesa rebrands the Ruby tubes which meet their standard for their 6L6GC-STR.

If you want to spend a little extra, I've heard good things about the kits from Doug, plus he's a good guy. You can tell him what kind of response you want from the power section (cooler, warmer) and he'll grab the right tubes. The preamp kit lines up with my own maths and tests on my Recto to get more out of it. I have plans to order from him in a couple of months.
I have very appreciated your prompt and complete replies. For sure, I will follow your useful suggestions. thx a lot Afu.
ps. the store in the link is super cool :)
Just for reference, Ruby rebrands tubes as well.

There are essentially only three manufacturers of mass produced vaccum tubes.

New Sensor in Russia (Sovtek, EHX, Svetlana, Tung Sol, Mullard, Genalex, others)

JJ in Slovak Republic often rebranded (Ruby, Groove Tubes, TAD, others)

Shuguang in China also often rebranded (Ruby, Groove Tubes, TAD, others)

There are a few small custom tube builders, and a few short run builders, but other than those, it's only three.
There was one other but no more. Svetlana Electron Devices (SED, also known as =C=). :x gone but not forgotten as I still have them :p
not sure if they will return in manufacture of consumer power tubes, they may just be down for the count and no more.

I would also recommend the EH 5U4G (I believe this is the same tube as Mesa).
Hi Folks,
In the end I have replaced the rectifier tubes with EH 5U4G. Now it works well.
Thanx to all for the suggestions.