V25 for Trower and Hendrix?

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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2013
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So now that you guys have had these for a while, I'm wondering how they will do for covering Hendrix and Trower. I realize I may need an OD for Trower and that's cool, but am more concerned with Hendrix. I have Fulltone 69 and 70 fuzz pedals. My Mini Rec doesn't like them very well, or at least I haven't YET dialed a great clean tone with a strat, that then worked well for Jimi tones with the fuzz pedal. So one big thing I'm wondering about the V25 is how well it handles a fuzz pedal, probably in one of the modes on Channel one.

Anyone tried this yet?
Haven't experimented much with CH1, just use it. It sounds great with an OD808 with a little gain for a bluesy tone. I'm not much of a fuzz guy, but CH2 with a Micro Vibe does a great Bridge of Sighs tone!

You might try it in crunch mode in CH1 in lieu of a fuzz. That mode is incredible.
Heh, heh, (old time lol) Hendrix tone. With all the reissued Hendrix music, how do you define Hendrix's tone? The new mini is a Mark which does Marshall and Fender tones better than Marshall or Fender getting Mesa tones. You should be able get a great Trower type tone fairly easy with a strat, MXR phase 90 and mini mark.
I have a Fulltone Deja Vibe, so I have that part covered for Trower.

Anxious to hear when someone tries a fuzz pedal with one. Apparently Mesa guys aren't big fuzz pedal guys. Lol