I did it. Wanted to see if the preamps of the JP2C and Mark VII were on the same level or different. Did this with the FX loops.
The only issue if you slave out from the SEND jack, you bypass the GEQ circuits. I would assume the slave out would provide signal for a power amp but that would still be derived from the Class AB section so there is no way to avoid that.
I did slave the JP2C into the Mark VII so that would have the effect you seek. Mark VII is Simul-Class and its own GEQ. Much brighter sound and more power tube saturation with that. Also slaved the Mark VII in IIC mode into the JP2C to see if there was much of a difference. Well on that note, the Mark VII IIC slaved into the JP2C sounded much like the JP2C CH2 without slaving. Mark IV mode was a bit more aggressive than the CH3. Slaving from the FX Send into a return of an amp that has Simul-Class would be a true effect than using the slave out to a 2:90 as you would bypass the Class AB power section completely.
In comparison of the Mark VII to the JP2C power sections (ok the GEQ may also be a bit different). The Simul-Class power of the Mark VII is a bit more compressed, and the end effect will appear as if you have more presence in the mix. It will be brighter but still sound about the same. The JP2C power section will have a slight drop in power tube distortion and a darker warmer tone. It was quite interesting to hear each amp through an alternative power amp. If you want a JP2C DRG, Get a Mark VII, not only do you get that Simul-Class power, you also get a few more modes to choose from, in addition to a footswitch control of the FX loop. Only one GEQ so you could easily add one in the loop if you need add that feature, would not be easily switchable though.
If you opt for the 2:90, use that in parallel to the JP2C. Use a signal splitter like a Lehel P-Split to separate the signal into an isolated output to send to any mono-to-stereo effect pedal and run that into the 2:90 for a wet/dry/wet rig. You would retain the deepness of the Class AB JP2C power and add in some of the frills of the Simul-class. I have run just the one Mark VII with the JP2C. Wonder what would happen if I ran the two Mark VII with the JP2C and the P-split using a stereo FX pedal to feed the returns of the VII? Thanks for the idea, will have to try that someday if I remember do try it.