Using diode mode, do I need to leave rectifier tubes in?

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Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
I use the silcone diode rectifier on my 3ch dual rectifier. Is there any point in keeping the rectifier tubes installed? Will it hurt anything if I take them out since I'm not using them?
If you're using diode rectification, it won't really hurt the amp itself whether the rectifiers are left in their sockets or not. Only, the heater elements of the rectifier tubes will still glow even when they're not switched in, which means they'll slowly roast waste away.
Yeah, I noticed that they were still glowing even when switched to diode rectification. I was thinking what a shame it was to burn them out for no reason, that's why I was wondering if I could just do without them. Thanks.
jbird said:
I'd definitely leave em in! You don't want those sockets exposed! :idea:

Now that is worrying way too much! Over 10's of years, yes maybe, but it doesn't justify leaving them in just for that.
I'd leave them in just incase the diode/SS switch gets bumped and switched to Tube.

What are you trying to accomplish by taking them out? If you don't use them, don't worry about them. If they burn out so what? You don't use them anyway?

I'm sure weight reduction is not a goal here right? LOL

I cant see any advantage to taking the rectifier tubes out. If you arent running the tube recrtifier then they arent being run hard at all....they will last for a VERY long time. Worrying about burning them out is really not needed.

I agree with the poster that said you dont want the sockets open and exposed. You dont want to have holes exposed that shouldnt be exposed.
10-4, thanks for all the replies. Does Mesa or anybody make socket covers? Just something I can stick in the socket to keep stuff from getting in there? That would be useful for everybody who's running only two power tubes and one rectifier tube as well.
@ Dominus22 - look, it makes no difference whether you leave them in or not, and if you don't use them they'll degenerate slowly as the current is not passing from the cathode to the anode and the covering on the cathode will not generate much, it'll will last for years. It's at to your discretion.

Don't even worry about tube socket covers, and I don't think anyone makes them. If you really want to be freaky about it, use some tape to cover them... About leaving the sockets exposed... pure and utter rubbish. Inside the amp there are TONS of metallic parts, which are just as "exposed" as the rest. Since when is any amp chassis air tight?